Sun Chunlan, Vice Premier of the State Council of the State Council, said in Beijing that the urgent priority was to support Beijing for medical treatment for the people.

According to the China News Agency, Sun Chunlan went to Beijing on Tuesday (December 13) to investigate and guide the prevention and control of the epidemic in Beijing, and inspect the Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Pediatrics Research Institute, Tsinghua University Affiliated Yangliu Hospital, Chain ChainThe pharmacy and Jianguo gate community health service center, understand the situation of popular kidney kidney settings, referral process, hierarchical diagnosis and treatment operation, the construction of the Adex Point Hospital, and the supply of pharmaceutical reserves.

Sun Chunlan said, to implement the "20" and "New Ten Articles", strengthen the concept of overall planning and change, and transfer the focus of work from preventing and controlling infections to medical treatment.Prevention and severe illnesses, ensure that the prevention and control measures are adjusted to adjust the transitions and orderly, and efficiently coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development.

At present, the newly -added infected people in Beijing are in the period of rapid growth, but most of them are asymptomatic infections and mild cases. At present, 50 patients with severe critical illness in the hospital are mostly basic diseases.Sun Chunlan said that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council attach great importance to preventing and control of the Beijing epidemic. The priority is to support Beijing for medical treatment for the people.At present, there are 303 hot ruling clinics in Beijing to optimize the process. At the same time, they can expand medical resources and speed up the setting up for a popular kidney clinic in the square cabin hospital. All hot tellers have increased the clinic and medical power. Patients with diversion hospitals have the pressure of diagnosis and reduce the waiting time of patients.It is necessary to strengthen class diagnosis and treatment, and play the role of community medical and health institutions and Internet hospitals.The community should transfer from risk personnel to medical treatment services, do a good job of health investigation, door -to -door delivery, and psychological guidance.

Sun Chunlan said that to strengthen the protection of fragile groups such as elderly people, children, patients with basic diseases, maternal mothers, and hemodialysis patients, regardless of crown disease or ordinary patients, medical institutions must take treatment for treatmentEssenceAt present, drugs and testing reagents are stepping up production and supply, and the overall can meet the demand. Relevant departments have set up daily dispatching of special classes. Beijing should be refined in Beijing to play the role of online and offline markets to ensure the efficiency of terminal distribution and improve being available.

Sun Chunlan also said that the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government are making great efforts to accelerate the solution of the masses' medical medicine problems. China has the advantages of the national system and will definitely pass the peak of the epidemic.