The press conference of the November of China in November (December 15), which was scheduled to be held on Thursday (December 15), was replaced by network release.

The website of the National Statistics Bureau of China released the above news on Wednesday (December 14).

According to the information release schedule of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the National Bureau of Statistics will release the release of the National Economic Operation Release in November at 10 am on Thursday at 10 am, the monthly report of the industrial production above designated size, and the investment of fixed assets (noIncluding farmers) Monthly reports, monthly reports of real estate development and sales, monthly reports of total retail sales of social consumer goods, and monthly reports of energy production conditions.

Bloomberg reported before that analysts believe that China ’s sudden transfer of Zero’ s policy brings more interference to growth. The key indicators this week may show that the economy worsen in November.

Economists who have been surveyed by Bloomberg predict that retail sales shrinkage will be greater than October, industrial added value and investment slowly, and the unemployment rate will rise.