The conflict broke out last week, and both sides were injured in both sides. This is the first conflict since June 2020.

Monday (December 12, India Asia International News (December 12) quoted sources reported that the two countries' army confronted the Dawang area on the border of India last Friday (9th), causing some people on both sidesImmediately evacuated immediately after the incident.

Sources also said that local Indian and Chinese officers subsequently discussed this conflict in accordance with the existing out of contact mechanism to restore the stability of the region.

Comprehensive Bloomberg, Reuters, and Agence France -Presse reported that the Indian Minister of Defense Singh confirmed the above conflict during speeches on Tuesday (13th) in Congress.He said that hundreds of Chinese soldiers entered the Indian side on Friday, and the two sides beat each other.India has contacted Beijing through diplomatic channels.

Singh refers to the Chinese PLA troops trying to unilaterally change the status quo, invading the actual control line of the Yangzi area of the Dawang area, and said that "the Indian Army is resolutely obstructed."

Bloomberg quoted an anonymous Indian official saying that more than 20 Indian soldiers were injured by Chinese soldiers holding sticks and said that Chinese soldiers were also injured, but they did not announce the number.Agence France -Presse quoted Indian media reports that the conflict involved 300 PLA soldiers and said that more people in China were injured.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin responded to media questions at a routine press conference on Tuesday that the situation in the border between the two countries is generally stable, but they refuse to comment on specific details, including the incident and the number of injuries.He said that the two sides have been communicating smoothly through diplomatic and military channels.

According to the news of the WeChat public account of the Western Theater, Long Shaohua, a spokesman for the Western Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, said that when the Western Theater Border Force was patrolling the actual control line on the east section of the east section of the border last Friday, the Indian military was illegally being illegally patrolled by the Indian military illegallyVietnamese blocked.He said: "I should deal with the professional norms and regulate the current situation. We ask the Indian party to strictly control and restrict the front -line troops."

This is the first conflict of the two countries since the bleeding conflict between the Blood River Valley in the Border River Valley in the border in June 2020; the conflict of 20 Indian soldiers and four Chinese personnel died.Subsequently, the tension of China and India lasted for several months.

Scholars: Conflict will not cause the tension between the two parties to rise again

Indian Prime Minister Modi and Chinese officials, at the National Head Headquarters of the G20 (G20) Summit of the Summit of the State Headquarters Dinner on November 15, on November 15.At that time, some analysts believed that relations between the two countries may thaw.

In this context, whether the above incident has caused the relationship between New Delhi and Beijing to deteriorate the focus of the outside world.

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, was judged during an interview with Lianhe Zaobao. The latest conflict will not lead to the heating up of the tension between the two parties, because China and India do not want to hype this issue.

Zhu Feng explained that there are still controversy on the territorial ownership of the border areas, and there are also overlapping patrol areas.Therefore, when patrolling the law enforcement, the two countries inevitably met frequently and caused quarrels, and the quarrel upgrade naturally added punching."This conflict between the China -India border reminds Beijing and New Delhi again to promote the process of diplomatic and political solution in disputed areas."