People familiar with the matter revealed that after the surge in the crown disease in Beijing, the Central Economic Work Conference, which was originally planned to be held this week, will be postponed.

According to Bloomberg, people familiar with the matter said that when the meeting was held without a clear timetable.Because of discussing confidentiality information, they demand anonymous.

This meeting has attracted much attention, and Chinese leaders and officials will set the policy goals of the coming year at the Central Economic Work Conference.Including members of the Politburo, provincial leaders, and heads of government agencies and financial institutions will attend the meeting.The meeting is usually three days, and it will be announced in the official media.

China suddenly ended the previous strict "dynamic clearing zero" epidemic prevention policy, which almost abandoned all the testing and isolation requirements of the infected person.There are now signs that the virus is rapidly spreading, including long teams in Beijing, the hospital, and the supply of antipyretic drugs is in short supply.CCTV News quoted the Beijing Monday Epidemic Prevention and Control Conference reported that on December 11th, there were 22,000 patients in Beijing's popular kidney clinics, which was 16 times a week ago.

The policy suddenly turned to the prospect of the fragile growth to bring more uncertainty. Economists originally expected that the official will issue a more loose financial and monetary policy signal, and to implement more relaxation in the real estate marketPolicies to boost growth.

Officials usually discuss the growth goals of next year at the Central Economic Work Conference, but it will not be announced until the year of the year in March.

After the Chinese leader won the third term in October, the new Politburo made a decision for the Economic Work Conference last week: firmly shifting to promote growth.Bloomberg quoted the news last week that senior officials discussed that the GDP target next year will be set at about 5%.

The Chinese economy is expected to increase by only 3.2%this year. If the economic recession caused by the outbreak of 2020, this will be the minimum growth rate since the 1970s.

In the past few weeks, the Chinese government has adopted a series of decisive measures to boost economic growth, including the launch of strong measures to support the sluggish real estate market.