(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Li Zhiying, the founder of Hong Kong One Media Li Zhiying, was suspected of violating the Hong Kong National Security Law and finally decided to start the trial until September next year.Zhong Peiquan, the editor -in -chief of the post news about the release of the publication article, was also approved for bail after nearly a year.

Comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01" and Sing Tao Daily, Li Zhiying was accused of colluding with foreign forces and violating the Hong Kong National Security Law.After the escort until January next year, we will wait for the release of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China.The defense believes that the schedule should be re -scheduled, and the judge finally decided to post the case until September 25 next year.

Although Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao has asked the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to interpret Li Zhiying's employment of overseas lawyers to defense, the National People's Congress Standing Committee Meeting at the end of this month has not yet included this.Li Zhiying hired British Royal Lawyer Owen to leave Hong Kong after refusing to extend his work visa at the Hong Kong Entry Department.

Peng Yaohong, a lawyer on behalf of Li Zhiying's appearance on Tuesday, believes that the interpretation may not happen, and it should not just wait for the results of the interpretation.

The Department of Justice hopes to start the trial as soon as possible, and worry that if the trial will be held in September next year, the witnesses who have pleaded guilty may change.

Zhong Peiquan was also allowed to be released on bail of HK $ 100,000 for nearly a year

On the other hand, the editor -in -chief of the head news, Zhong Peiquan, was repaid for nearly a year, and was approved for cash bail on Tuesday for HK $ 100,000 (S $ 17,400).

Position News reported in the 2019 anti -repair campaign to sympathize with the resistance.The reason why the judge agrees to bail is that Zhong Peiquan is unlikely to engage in national security activities.During the bail, Zhong Peiquan was not allowed to leave Hong Kong and reported to the police station every week; he could not accept media interviews and make any acts that are regarded as harmful to national security.