

Jingqiang Xinyun

The 20th National Congress will end for less than 10 days.The most dense week of diplomatic activities.

The General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam has officially visited China from October 30th. He is the first foreign dignitaries to visit China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Beijing Monday (October 31) received Ruan Fuzhong with high specifications, 21 rangs in Tiananmen Square, and held the ceremony of honor guards for the PLA.

CCTV News Broadcasting screen shows that after the crown disease epidemic, rarely meet with foreign dignitaries after meeting with foreign dignitaries. When meeting with Ruan Fuzhong at the welcome ceremony, neither of them wore masks.Face.Chinese officials also issued the "Medal of Friendship" to Ruan Fuzhong and held a grand ceremony.

China and Vietnam issued a joint statement on further strengthening and deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, emphasizing the need to firmly grasp the correct direction of the Sino -Vietnamese relations, and to properly related differences on the basis of mutual understanding and respect.

From this statement, China has extended its economic and trade olive branches to Vietnam, such as promising to promote the access procedures for agricultural products such as Vietnamese fruits and bird's nests.Vietnam has reportedly reported to Li to reiterate the firm pursuit of a Chinese policy and promise to develop any official relations in different Taiwan.

According to the statement, the two sides also exchanged opinions on sea issues, thinking that properly controlling differences and maintaining the South China Sea and Pingping are important, and agreed to properly handle maritime issues.

The two parties agreed to continue to promote the comprehensive and effective implementation of the behavior of all parties in the South China Sea, and to achieve the South China Sea Code on the basis of negotiation;Maintain the peace and stability of the South China Sea and promote maritime cooperation.

Although China and Vietnam are important trading partners in the other party, the sovereign disputes of the South China Sea have always been a thorn in relations between the two countries.After the 20th National Congress, Beijing restarted diplomatic activities and invited Ruan Fuzhong as the first foreign dignitaring to visit China, and released goodwill and cutting sovereignty differences on economic and trade issues. It is believed that it is to improve the current diplomatic situation by winning the surrounding countries.

According to earlier news from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Beijing will also usher in the leaders of two developing countries this week. They are "hardcore friends" Pakistan Prime Minister Sherff and African countries Tanzania President Hassan.

The highlight of the top schedule is arranged in German Prime Minister Tsubitz on Friday (November 4) to visit China.Due to the complexity of Chinese epidemic prevention policies, Tonalz will not spend the night in China and is described as "one -day tour" by international public opinion, but his trip to China is difficult to notice.

This is the first formal visit to China after Tsumerz has served as German Prime Minister. He is also the first Western leader to visit China after the closing of the 20th National Congress, and the first EU leader who visited China for three years in the epidemic.Essence

The China trip to China, both in Germany or the European Union facing tremendous pressure.In Germany, the Green Party and the Liberal Democratic Party, which are jointly governed, believes that what is to do now is to reduce dependence on China, and Souls visits China to release error signals.German Foreign Minister Berbak from the Green Party warned that Berlin had made mistakes on Russia, which led to Germany to rely on Russia's energy to avoid repeat the same mistakes in the relationship with China.

In the European Union, French President Macron also urged Tonus not to go to Beijing alone, but joined a joint delegation.However, Tsutz finally decided to go first in a single shot, causing some EU member states to be dissatisfied, thinking that this destroyed the European Union's unified line.

Before starting the "One -day Tour", Tsugs made a discussion that promoted the German government to approve the transaction of a Chinese -funded enterprise Zhongyuan Shipping to acquire a container terminal in Hamburg Port, which was considered to be good to Beijing.His visit to China will also bring a luxurious lineup of business groups. It is reported that executives such as Volkswagen, BMW, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, and biotechnology company BIONTECH are all on the list of accompanying business groups, showing that economic and trade cooperation is still in the same way.It is the core topic of Souls's visit to China.

The Russian and Ukraine War, which cannot see the end, is impacting the European economy, and Souls visits China under pressure. It is believed that in this uncertain situation, in the strategy and ideology, as well as economic benefits,Take cautious balance.For Beijing, Souls's visit to China also has great symbolic significance.Germany is the "leader" of the European Union. If the visit to Huaerz can make the Sino -German relations develop well, it will help stabilize the overall situation of China -Europe relations affected by the Russia -Ukraine War and the geopolitical game of China and the West.Regain your confidence in Beijing.

Holding neighboring countries, stabilizing relations with the EU, and consolidating and developing countries is the three main purpose of a series of diplomatic activities in Beijing this week, and it is also the force of China's re -opening of the diplomatic situation after the 20th National Congress.For nearly three years of the crown disease epidemic, Beijing, as the home area of Chinese diplomacy, seems very deserted, and the face -to -face exchanges between Chinese seniors and foreign leaders are also very limited.After the 20th National Congress, a densely launched diplomatic activity shows that Beijing intends to allow Chinese diplomacy to get out of the epidemic and gradually recover the state of delivery before the epidemic.

It is just that China is still adopting high -pressure epidemic prevention and strict isolation policies. Even German Prime Minister can only "one -day tour" in order to avoid complex epidemic prevention policies. It is easy for China's foreign exchanges to really return to the epidemic.