Shenzhen used housing in China has sold more than 40,000 units, and second -hand housing is sold at the reference price to gradually become the mainstream.NotAccording to the Securities Times, data from the Shenzhen Central Plains Research Center showed that as of Monday (October 30), there were 3,276 first -hand residential transactions in Shenzhen and 1,653 sets of second -hand residential transactions.The second -hand housing market still needs confidence to boost.NotAccording to data from a research center, from the perspective of the transaction price of second -hand housing since 2020, from December 2020 to February 2021, Shenzhen's second -hand residential transaction price is high, and the fluctuations began in the second half of 2021.NotUnderstand that second -hand houses that are close to reference prices have gradually become the mainstream.Even in the past, more and more second -hand houses were sold at the price of the western and school districts.NotQuoting the senior employees of the real estate industry in Forty Garden Ling District said: "Now just need customers to buy a house, they will ask a key indicator -reference price." He mentioned that the second -hand house buyers who have recently come to see the house have a house buyer who has recently come to see the house. Compared with the National Day holidaySome increase.NotThe latest data released by the Municipal Real Estate Intermediary Association shows.As of October 31st, there were 40,000 sets in Shenzhen in Shenzhen, and the number of second -hand housing sold in the sales of second -hand housing continued to increase.NotThe number of second -hand houses increased, and several owners with a multi -suite pointed out that he was hesitant to sell the houses empty in the hand, but considering the current property market regulation and market performance, I do not want to be '.Economic factors and cash are also a choice.NotIn some industry insiders, after the increase in second -hand housing listings, the just -in -demand group can have more choices.Improved groups sell existing housing and buy new improved housing. Some of them will enter the new housing market, thereby driving the sales of the new housing market to improve.NotYan Yuejin, the research director of the Think Tank Center of the Institute of Residence, predicts that the future property market will gradually recover. "This is a large direction and cannot be reflected in the specific monthly data, but it needs to be more cautious about market forecasting." NotIt is believed that by the end of the year, the property market in Shenzhen may rise slightly, but overall, housing prices have stabilized, and the room for rising will also be within the scope of strict control.