The transaction price of newly built and second -hand houses in China Hundred Cities still declines in October.

According to the Caixin News Agency, the Research Report of the Medical Research Institute showed that in October 2022, the average price of new homes in 100 cities in China was 16,199 yuan/square meter (the same below, the same below, about 3143.68 S $ 3143.68/Square meter), a decrease of 0.01%month -on -month, a narrowing of 0.01 percentage points from the previous month, and has fallen for 4 consecutive months.From the perspective of the number of ups and downs cities, 25 cities have risen month -on -month, 54 cities have fallen month -on -month, and 21 cities are flat.

October, the average price of second -hand housing in 100 cities across the country was 15945 yuan/square meter, a decrease of 0.16%month -on -month.From the perspective of the number of ups and downs cities, 23 cities rose from a month -on -month, 75 cities fell month -on -month, and 2 cities were flat.

Guo Xin Securities Analyst Ren He said that due to concerns about the rotten house, the weakening of house prices, the weakening of house prices, and the unstable factors of residents' income expectations, the three major suppression of the residential revenue continued.Ten "inadequate color, the fundamentals are obvious.

Ren He said: "In the current environment, we look forward to the effect of a stronger policy for the demand side. In the future, there may be a large -scale favorable policy. The real estate will eventually return to the normal track."

From the perspective of urban division, according to statistics from Zhuge Research Institute, in October 2022, the average price of first -tier and second -tier cities rose, and the average market price in third- and fourth -tier cities continued to fall.

The senior analyst of Zhuge Finding Data Research Center Chen Xiao said that since July, it has been affected by the industry's suspension incident, the market confidence is sluggish, and the emotions that buyers dare not buy are intensified. HoweverWhen the departments are actively helping the delivery of delivery to gradually advance and frequently release major favorable signals, it is expected that the subsequent market will steadily recover.

In terms of transactions, according to preliminary statistics from the middle finger home, from January to October 2022, the average monthly transaction area of new commercial housing in 100 cities was about 31.09 million square meters, a decrease of more than 30%year-on-year. The overall market sentiment was partially partial.Low.

According to statistics, more than 230 provinces and cities in China have issued more than 230 policies in China from September to October. The policy mainly involves optimizing purchase restrictions, reducing the proportion of down payment, reducing mortgage interest rates, increasing provident fund loans, issuing house purchase subsidiesIn terms of reducing sales period, some cities combine housing policies with fertility, pension, leasing and other combinations to continuously improve the policy tool box.

At present, the first set of commercial loan interest rates have been reduced to less than 4%, including second -tier cities such as Wuhan and Tianjin.