In the past few days, a period of well-known Chinese director Feng Xiaogang and the well-known Chinese director Feng Xiaogang and the wellWife Xu Fan's video on the United States has been circulating on the Internet, causing the speculation of whether the couple in the film industry immigrate to the United States."Feng Xiaogang is also 'moist'!"

Feng Xiaogang on Monday (October 31) in the evening to send a rumor "immigrant theory" in a circle of friends, describing this as "rumor".He explained that he and his wife sent her daughter to school in early August this year. They wanted to accompany her to adapt for a period of time, and came back when the winter vacation was released.

This video of only 13 seconds shows that Feng Xiaogang stepped on slippers, dressed in home clothes, and his expression was relaxed.,Embrace.Xu Duo, the daughter of the two people in the camera.

shows that Feng Xiaogang (Feng Xiaogang (One right) Stepping on slippers, dressed in home clothes, relaxed, and Xu Fan (second from right), who is also wearing a casual clothes, send guests in front of a American mansion.(Video interception)

According to Hong Kong media reports, Feng Xiaogang bought a luxury house in Los Angeles in Los Angeles in Los Angeles in Los Angeles in 2014 and 2018.

After the video flowed out, the keen netizen immediately rushed to Feng Xiaogang's Weibo to check. The content of the content had been shown as empty, and it seemed to sit more about the rumor of the film and television immigration.

Some self -media analysis said that the leading figure of the Beijing circle who had been in the entertainment industry in the entertainment industry was influenced by the capital market and epidemic.It is logical to bring the whole family to the United States.

Feng Xiaogang, 64, is known as the "King of the New Year's Film". He has directed Party A and the world without a thief Tangshan earthquake.

Feng Xiaogang also served as the director of the China CCTV Spring Festival Gala in 2014. In 2015, he won the 52nd Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for Best Actor Award for the old artillery.Golden Lotus won the Golden Shell Award at the 64th San Sebastian International Film Festival, the 53rd Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award Best Director Award, and the 31st China Film Golden Rooster Award Best Director Award.

Feng Xiaogang is not the movie I am notPan Jinlian won the 53rd Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award for Best Director Award.(Internet)

For such a pivotal guide in the Chinese film industry, "Run" to the United States, netizens' reactions are polarized.Some netizens believe that "everyone has the right to choose their own living environment and lifestyle", and must admit that "rich people always choose more opportunities" and say, "The United States was originally the largest immigrant destination in China. Why is Feng Xiaogang?Can't immigrate. "

Many netizens cannot accept it, thinking that Feng Dao has filmed patriotic films such as the 1942 collection number Tangshan earthquake, earning enough Chinese tears and banknotes.It's "moist".

After fermentation for a few days, Feng Xiaogang finally couldn't sit still. He responded in the circle of friends: "I and Fanzi sent my daughter to school in early August.She used to adapt to a period of time, and by the way, she also talked about project cooperation, learned about some new technologies for film production, and returned when her daughter was put on the winter vacation. "

He also emphasized at the end of the text:" Xu Fan and I love Beijing so much that they love their homeland.Can't do without the buddies who can't eat Western food. They have a career in China. The filming is all the feelings of the country, and the country has gratitude to me. Which people do I move? "It seems that he also responded to his questioning of" patriotic dividends ".

As for the clear Weibo, a little calm will be found that it should be caused by Feng Dao's setting of half a year.

Feng Xiaogang's Weibo contentDisplayed as empty or setting "half a year visible".(Internet)

Zhang Yimou is also "immigrated"?

Shortly before Feng Xiaogang's "moisturizing", another well -known director of China Zhang Yimou also reported the news that immigrated to the United States.

Zhang Yimou, who is 71 -year -old this year, is more famous than Feng Xiaogang. He has directed a number of well -known movies such as high red lanterns and red sorghum, and enjoys a high popularity internationally.

More importantly, Zhang Yimou also directed the opening and closing ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The opening and closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics held in February this year was also the director of him.The director of the "Double Olympics" in the opening and closing ceremony of the Xia Olympics and the Winter Olympics.

Zhang Yimou also directed BeijingThe opening and closing ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games, the opening and closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics held in February this year was also the director of him.The picture shows Zhang Yimou (in the front row) and other athletes at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics commendation conference.(Reuters)

Zhang Yimou reported that the news of immigration news broke out in July this year that he was going to sell the lake mansion by Wuxi.According to real estate agencies, the house was listed on the Internet at the time to sell for 35 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about 7 million S $ 7 million), and labeled "urgent sale".EssenceFrom a price point of view, this house is a low -cost listing, so many netizens speculate whether it is prepared for immigrants.

"Zhang Yimou 30 million emergency sales of Wuxi Linhu Villa" related topics rushed on Weibo hot search.Zhang Yimou's wife Chen Ting immediately responded on Weibo that "there is no urgent sale, just ask."

Chen Ting also explained in detail that because parents are getting older, they want to take care of them to take care of them.

Just after Zhang Yimou's wife extinguished the news about immigration, a photo sent by a Weibo big V on the other end burned the rumors of immigrants.

This big V named "Writer Liu Xiaohai" issued two photos of Zhang Yimou to buy vegetables and cooks on October 19, and said, "The old Mouzi is going to the deep water country, what do you dolook".

The photos were quickly pointed out by other netizens. It was a life photo of Chen Ting posted on Weibo a few years ago, but the rumors of "Zhang Yimou Immigration" were still booming.

Zhang Yimou Studio issued a video on October 23 to a subtle response to the rumors.This post -"Beijing" Weibo wrote: "Tonight, Zhang Yimou is still busy."

Zhang Yimou in the video is simple, and a black sportswear is busy.

According to Chinese media reports, Zhang Yimou's team also made it clear: "Director Zhang Yimou loves the country very much, his career and family are bothHere, no need to go to the United States."

Why do celebrities" Run "abroad frequently?

The new word" Run "uses the same Chinese Pinyin" rùn "and the English word" ran ", that is, the meaning of running, come to come, come, come, come, come toThe vague expression of "immigration overseas".

It started from April this year. After experiencing a weeks of sealing measures for several weeks in Shanghai, the content of the Shanghai people wanted to "moisturize".Among them, Lang Xianping, a well -known Chinese scholar and financial scholar, left Shanghai and immigrated to Hong Kong.

Lang Xianping, who lived in Shanghai in April this year, posted a Weibo to tell his mother's pain. His 98 -year -old mother suffered fromRenal failure, but the results of nucleic acids need to be waited outside the hospital during the sealing period. After waiting four hours, they could not take a shot in time.Lang Xianping decided to leave Shanghai and immigrate to Hong Kong. However, from the recent Weibo issued by Lang Xianping, the positioning is still shown as "Shanghai".

Although it is not possible to confirm whether Lang Xianping really leaves Shanghai, but in the face of ChinaThe "dynamic clearance" that can't be seen has indeed given birth to the idea of many wealthy and middle-class families.11 /shanghai_lutou.jpg? 964 " />

Starting in April this year, after experiencing a long-term control measure in Shanghai, the content of the Shanghai people wanted to" moisturize "began.Increase. (Reuters)

China Network Data shows that the number of search on "immigrants" on the major search platforms has increased.Thousands of times.

Baidu's search volume on "Migration to Canada" has also rushed to the first place, which rose up to 2846%month -on -month.The search data also shows that the top three with the highest increase in immigration retrieval from Shanghai (109.61%), Tianjin (41.5%) and Guangdong (29.79%).After the new member of the Politburo's Standing Committee appeared, the market was pessimistic. The Hang Seng Index in the first trading day set the largest decline in the 2008 global financial crisis.P> When the outside world is worried about China and lacks confidence in the future, Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Yimou seem to have both celebrities who have both capital and mastering a certain source of news.The news of the migrants of the big guides is virtual, it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity, and even many of them are catching the wind. But whether these directors are running or not moisturizing, everyone pays attention to this issue so much, and the response is so sharp.Real emotions: The uncertainty in the future makes them anxious and suffering, but the reality of the moment makes them go back and retreat.