Crown diseases across China have been settled. The Fifth China International Import Expo, which was unveiled in Shanghai this weekend, also adopted more stringent epidemic prevention measures. All personnel need to hold a 24 -hour nucleic acid test negative certificate daily to enter the exhibition area.

Sun Chenghai, deputy director of the China International Import Expo Bureau on Tuesday (November 1) at the press conference of the Expo, this year, companies from 127 countries and regions participated in the Business Fair, 66 countries and three countries and three countries.International organizations appeared at the National Comprehensive Exhibition, and the number exceeded the previous session.Among them, eight countries including Nicaragua, Mozambique, Iraq and Iceland will participate in the National Exhibition for the first time.

However, the official did not disclose the number of exhibitors.In contrast, nearly 3,000 companies from 127 countries and regions were exhibited in 2021.In 2019 before the epidemic outbreak, more than 3,000 companies in more than 150 countries and regions participated in the exhibition.

Gu Honghui, deputy secretary -general of the Shanghai Municipal Government and the Director of the Leading Group of the Urban Service Guarantee Leadership Group, who attended the conference of the same conference, emphasized that the current Expo is the first major international exhibition organized by the Communist Party of China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China."Learn to promote the 20th spirit, implement Chinese -style modernization, and promote high levels of opening up".And doing a good job of epidemic prevention is the "premise and foundation" of successfully holding the Expo.

The organizer of the Expo stipulates that all exhibitors need to complete the "three days and two inspections" before entering the exhibition area. When entering the exhibition area for the first time dailyWear N95 or KN95 masks throughout the process.

In addition, within 10 days before entering the exhibition area, there is a history of living in the county (city, district, flag) where the epidemic risk zone is located, or the risk zone has not yet been determined, but those who have a history of residence in local epidemic areas shall not participate in exhibitions and participates in the exhibition.meeting.

Gu Jun, director of the Shanghai Municipal Commerce Commission, said frankly when answering Lianhe Morning Post, since the 3rd Expo, the crown disease epidemic has become a major challenge for the exhibition, and it has also put forward new requirements for the exhibitors to participate in the exhibition.The organizer provides more convenience to exhibitors through scientific and technological means.For example, after uploading a health information such as nucleic acid detection results, the comparison time is shortened from the original four -hour to 15 minutes.