(Beijing Comprehensive News) After the Dreaming Experimental Card of China Space Station was launched, on Tuesday (November 1), it was connected with the space station combination body.

According to the "China Aerospace Science and Technology Group" official WeChat public account announcement, the space station Mengtian experimental cabin was successfully connected to the front port of Tianhe core compartment at 4:27 am on November 1, Beijing time.It takes about 13 hours.

According to the plan, the Dreaming Experimental Curm will be reposting in the future. The basic configuration combination of the space station "T" is formed with the sky and the core compartment, and the test compartment.

China Space Station Mengtian Experimental Curm was launched by the Long March 5 Yao Lae Rockets at the Wenchang Aerospace launcher on the afternoon of October 31.The place where the astronauts work are equipped with more scientific experimental cabinets and installation of load installation stations, which will be managed to control, energy, information, environment and other functions with the space station Tianhe core compartment, the test compartment of the test compartment, and the inquiry compartment.Support space stations to carry out space research experiments and new technology tests.

The deputy chief designer of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group's Fifth Hospital Space Station System Berlin Hou said in an interview with the Global Times that the three main cabins of China Space Station have only realized the basic configuration of the "T", power supply, information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information and information.Only the thermal control systems can enter the best working state, thereby providing a guarantee for carrying out large -scale space application experiments.