German Chancellor Tsutz will visit China on November 4th. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Tsutz's visit to China will consolidate China -Germany political mutual trust, which is in line with the interests of both parties.

According to the surging news report, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a routine conference on Tuesday (November 1) that at the invitation of Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, Shuerz will be on November 4th to China on November 4th.Make a formal visit.

Zhao Li insisted that this year is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Germany, and China and Germany are all strategic partners. This visit is the first visit to China since the epidemic.China.

He said that the leaders of the two countries will communicate in in -depth exchanges on Sino -German relations, China -Europe relations, international situation and global governance, further consolidate Sino -German political mutual trust, and deepen Sino -German cooperation, which is in line with the interests of both parties.

Zhao Lijian said that it is believed that this visit will inject new impetus into the in -depth development of the all -round strategic partnership in China and Germany in the new period, and contribute to world peace and stable growth.

The German government spokesman said at the briefing on Friday (October 28) that During the visit to China, Shuerz will propose his "autocracy", human rights, and a series of other series of other series.Questions, such as equivalentity when opening the Chinese market to Europe and other companies.