The Fifth China International Import Expo (referred to as "Expo") will be held this weekend. The official has strictly imposed on the exhibitors. Exhibitors must hold 24 -hour kernel acidic acid testing for the first time daily.It is negative that if you enter the exhibition area 10 days before you go to the epidemic risk area, you must not enter.

The 5th China International Import Expo will be held in Shanghai from November 5th to 10th. According to the surging news report, Gu Honghui, deputy secretary -general of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Tuesday (November 1) at the press conferenceIntroduction to the prevention requirements of participants in the conference, all exhibitors should carry out independent health monitoring daily to avoid public places where staff gathering; entering the exhibition area and exhibition hall must wear the N95/KN95 mask throughout the process; if the body temperature occurs≥37.3 ℃ or suspected symptoms of crown disease should be checked, do not enter the exhibition area before the results of the diagnosis.

Personnel from overseas entry shall complete the "Seven -day Concentrated Isolation Medicine Observation+Three -day Home Health Monitoring" and the corresponding number of nucleic acid detection.

All people who come to Shanghai and return to Shanghai need to hold a negative certificate within 48 hours, and perform a nucleic acid test within 24 hours after arriving in Shanghai.All personnel should complete the "three days and two inspections" before entering the exhibition area for the first time.When entering the exhibition area for the first time daily, nucleic acid detection negative certificates should be held within 24 hours.

Gu Honghui pointed out that within 10 days before entering the exhibition area, if there is a history of a local city -level residential resident in the domestic epidemic risk zone, it is not necessary not to participate in the exhibition.

There will be any situation below to participate in the exhibition: 1. Within 10 days before entering the exhibition area, there is a history of living in the county (city, district, flag) where the domestic epidemic is high, medium, and low -risk areas; 2Within 10 days before entering the exhibition area, there are other domestic local epidemic (which has not been designated by the epidemic risk area or adopted measures such as regional static management).

Gu Honghui also said that the current Expo is the first major international exhibition organized by the Chinese Communist Party's 20th closing of the Communist Party of China.An important platform for openness.On the premise of ensuring epidemic prevention safety, Shanghai will strive to provide first -class urban environment and first -class service guarantee.

Sun Chenghai, deputy director of the China International Import Expo Bureau, said at the same conference that a major feature of this Expo is a wider range of participating countries.EssenceAmong them, both developed countries and developing countries include some of the most underdeveloped countries.

Enterprises from 127 countries and regions participated in the business exhibition, and 66 countries and three international organizations appeared at the National Comprehensive Exhibition, with the number exceeded the previous session.Nicaragua, Gabiti, Mauritania, Komoro, Mozambique, Congo (Kim), Iraq, and Iceland will participate in the National Exhibition for the first time.