The second -stage clinical trial of high -end vaccines produced in Taiwan was accused of commissioning mainland China companies to implement, causing controversy.The Kuomintang mayor of Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan said on Thursday (October 27) that the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Taiwan should make it clear whether to escort the high -end acceleration of emergency use authorization (EUA) review, so he pretended not to know.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times and the Central News Agency reported that Jiang Wanan attended the event on Thursday morning that the high -end vaccine EUA review process was full of doubt.Period clinical trials are given to mainland Chinese companies, "What did the high -end do? Is it speculating stock?"

Jiang Wanan said that the high -end commissioned the landlord company, did the Ministry of Health and Welfare know beforehand?I still know it but it doesn't matter, or to escort the high -end acceleration EUA review, so pretending to be pretended to be unknown. The government should explain clearly.

He also said that the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare must also explain whether the scope of this land company's implementation includes the treatment of patients from the beginning, the inspection process arrangement, the implementation of SOP planning, collecting all patients to collect all patientsAll the processes of data analysis and report reports, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has no way to make it clear.

Qiu Chen, the party legislator of the people, broke the news on Monday (October 24) that the cooperative manufacturer of the second phase of the high -end vaccine "Qiu Yisi", the end of April last year has been "paid" by the mainland.The company's mergers and mergers were renamed Conda, and only signed a contract with high -end companies a month after mergers and acquisitions.

In this regard, the commander of the epidemic prevention center Wang Bicheng posted on Facebook on Thursday that this is the election operation of Oolong. Some people also involved BNT Fu Bitai."

He reiterated in the article that the case of high -end vaccine, the Ministry of Health and Welfare signed a contract with high -end companies.The research and development, clinical trials, manufacturing production, cold chain transportation, and warehousing management of various pharmaceutical factories in vaccine development have cooperated with other units or enterprises.This is the normal state of the pharmaceutical industry, even the normal state of various industries.

Wang Bisheng said that in the clinical trials, the pharmaceutical factory commissioned the hospital to perform it, and asked Qiu Yisi Company to assist in the collection and analysis of the information, maintain the adaptability and quality of the test.The hospital is very daily.

When talking about Qiu Yisi Company, Wang Bicheng said that there are currently 20 cases of cooperation with each pharmaceutical factory, hospitals or research units, and the company's registration in the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs has always been "Hong Kong capital"company.