The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the President Samia Sumuhu Hassan, the President of the Tanzania United Republic, will start a three -day visit to China on November 2nd, becoming the first batch of invited visits after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.One of Hua's foreign leaders.

According to the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday (October 27), Hua Chunying, a spokesman for Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced that at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Hassan will be on November 2rd to 4th.China has a state visit.

Before that, Ruan Fuzhong, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, will visit China for four days on Sunday (30th), becoming the first politicians to visit China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin also announced on Wednesday that Pakistan's Prime Minister Charpz Sherif will officially visit China from November 1.Wang Wenbin said that Charpz was also one of the first batch of foreign leaders invited to visit China after the Twenty CPC's closing of the Communist Party of China, reflecting the special friendly relations and strategic mutual trust of China -Pakistan.

In addition, the German federal government spokesman Herberstelett said on the 24th that German Chancellor Choierz will visit China on November 3 and 4, becoming the outbreak of the crown disease for nearly three years.EU leader who visited China.However, according to the Voice of Germany reports, Herberstelett said that due to the complexity of China's epidemic prevention policy, this trip will be very short, "it is actually a day trip."