The National Bureau of Statistics of China announced the revenue data of industrial enterprises above designated size from January to September this year, of which revenue increased by 8.2%year -on -year, below 8.4%below January to August, and the total profit decreased by 2.3 year -on -year.%, A decrease of 2.1%higher than January to August.

According to the data released by the official website of the National Bureau of Statistics on Thursday (October 27), from January to September this year, the total profit of industrial enterprises above the national scale of 624.418 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about 12219S $ 100 of 100 million), a year -on -year decrease of 2.3%, and the decline continued to increase.This data has decreased in three consecutive statistical areas, of which 1.1%from January to July, and a decrease of 2.1%from January to August.

Data show that in January to September, among industrial enterprises above designated size, only state -owned controlling enterprises have achieved profit growth, with a total profit of 2094.79 billion yuan, an increase of 3.8%year -on -year.At the same time, joint -stock enterprises achieved a total profit of 4559.34 billion yuan, a decrease of 0.4%; foreign companies, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan business investment enterprises achieved a total profit of 1481.45 billion yuan, a decrease of 9.3%; the total profit of private enterprises achieved a total profit of 170.50 billion yuan, a decrease of 8.1%.

Data show that, in January to September, in the 41 industrial industries, the total profit of 19 industries increased year -on -year, and 22 industries decreased.Among them, the total profit of the mining industry was 1246.96 billion yuan, an increase of 76.0%year -on -year; the total profit of electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry achieved a total profit of 37125 billion yuan, an increase of 4.9%;%;

The data also shows that industrial enterprises above designated size from January to September achieve operating income of 10.017 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.2%year -on -year, slightly lower than the growth rate of 8.4%from January to August;Operating costs were 8.499 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.5%; the profit margin of operating income was 6.23%, a year -on -year decrease of 0.67 percentage points.

At the same time, the total assets of industrial enterprises above designated scale at the end of September totaled 1.5.264 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.5%year -on -year; the total liabilities were 8.671 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.9%;; Asset -liability ratio is 56.8%, an increase of 0.2 percentage points year year -old.

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China on Monday (24th), China's GDP in the third quarter increased by 3.9%year -on -year, higher than industry expectations. In the first three quarters, GDP increased by 3.0 year -on -year%.