Hunsheng Paper

Back to Shanghai from Beijing, once again felt the distinctive personality differences between the people of the two places from the Dests driver.

Beijing "Brother" mostly talks and talks, and commented that the head of current political news is the Tao; the Shanghai "master" is relatively stable and low -key, and it is more realistic to pay attention to the topic.At the airport, I was on the Dex, and the driver's master was sighing for the stock market's plunge in the previous two days, and advised me to buy less stocks and buy more gold in the past two years. "Only gold can keep it."

I told the master that after the regulatory authorities appealed to the market on Wednesday, the stock market began to stop falling.But he didn't think of it: "Falling 100 yuan, rising back 10 yuan, don't you still lose 90 yuan? I see, the economy will be worse in the next five years, and the stock market will fall back 10 years ago."

I was curious about asking what the words said, the master was silent for a while, but couldn't help but speak: "This year's Shanghai economy has collapsed, he can still be promoted to the second hand, does this not explain the problem?" The first trading day after the Twenty CPC National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Lukang stock market both frustrated. The Shanghai Composite Index fell below 3,000 points.The pessimistic expectations are evident.From the personnel layout to the report content, the outside world is worried.

Among the new members of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China, which was born last Sunday (October 26), all four new faces were official loyalists in China, including "he" in the mouth of the Delste driver -expected to take over as Prime Minister and become the Prime Minister and become the Prime Minister and become the Prime Minister and become the Prime Minister.Li Qiang, Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Economic Manager.Another and current director of the National Development and Reform Commission, He Lifeng, believes that Liu He will replace Liu He as the deputy prime minister and manage the economy and finance.

In addition, Yi Gang, the current president of the Central Bank of China, who is regarded as the "reformist", and Guo Shuqing, chairman of the Banking Regulatory Commission, are not on the list of members or alternate members of the current Central Committee, which means that they may step down in the government in March next year.Essence

Although more than 10 people in the new Central Committee have economic or financial -related backgrounds, there are analysis concerns that the absence of the "market faction" at the core decision -making level may lead to imbalances in economic policy; for example, further deepening political intervention in the market,Let the Chinese economy accelerate to the "national advancement of the people."

Except for the changes in personnel, the content of the 20th National Congress did not open the market expectations of the height of the market, and did not propose a new plan for economic development. Instead, it explained "the national security system and capacity modernization."This point of view is interpreted as a more important position in the future of the Chinese Communist Party in the future, "the era of economic construction as the center has ended."

The direction of the affordable prevention policy has not been answered in the report.After the end of the five -year party conference, China will relax the control of epidemic prevention.Coupled with the end of the 20th National Congress, multiple provinces and cities will still implement high -pressure seal control. Analysts will continue to decide at least the two national sessions (the annual meeting of the People's Congress and the CPPCC) of the National Congress (the annual meeting of the CPPCC).This means that domestic demand will also be suppressed in the short term and continue to restrict economic growth.

On the other hand, Chinese high -level speeches have not revealed the attitude of contempt about economic growth or accelerating the world.Chinese officials, which are on the third term, reiterated at the media meeting on Sunday that it will unswervingly deepen reform and opening up and promote high -quality development.

The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments released 15 attraction and supporting foreign investment measures this week, including facilitation for foreign companies and their families to go to China to further expand foreign capital inflows and stabilize the scale of foreign investment.The Civil Aviation Administration of China immediately announced that it will increase international flights from this weekend to release signals that relax their entry restrictions.

Looking back at the personnel deployment again, although Li Qiang is not like the current prime minister Li Keqiang, he has a doctorate degree in economics and lacks his work experience in the State Council, but during the period of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and ShanghaiThe business community is affirmed.Some people are optimistic about his greater influence after taking over as the Prime Minister and more effectively promoting economic development.

On the day of the Hong Kong stock market plummeting, Hu Xi, the former editor -in -chief of the Chinese official media, said that this was because "some investors in Hong Kong stocks misunderstood many policies in Mainland China."He said that China will definitely attach great importance to economic development, and will never allow economic fundamentals to sink, and "Beijing has more tools and means than any country than any country."

It can be determined from the 20th report that high -quality economic growth is the necessary condition for the CCP to achieve the century -old goal of "comprehensively building a socialist modernization country", and it is also the main task of China's development in the next five years.What the market does not understand is how to ensure "common prosperity" while inspiring the development of the private economy, how to relax the restrictions of entry, while "dynamic clearing zero", a decision -making team composed of and their loyal.Blind spots and deviations?

It is precisely because China's second largest economy in the world will affect the development of the region and the world that investors are particularly concerned about wind blowing.The decision -making layer needs to give a clearer guidance and outline a clearer blueprint to allow the market to regain confidence.This may be the first problem to be solved when the Chinese economy entered the new era of the new era of the new era of the Chinese economy and the domestic politics "set in a new era".