Chinese ambassador to South Korea Xing Haiming on Wednesday (October 26) criticized that some South Korean media reported news about China from a too negative perspective to hurt the feelings of the people of China and South Korea.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, Xing Haiming was invited to attend a seminar hosted by the South Korean Journalist Club -Kuanxun Club at the Seoul Korea News Center on Wednesday.

He said at the discussion that this year when the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, the relationship between China and South Korea is facing new challenges. The biggest external cause is the United States, and the internal cause is the hearts of the people.The current Sino -US relations have a huge impact on Sino -South Korean relations.China has not asked other countries to choose a border station between China and the United States, nor does it want to compete with other countries to compete for world hegemony.China hopes that China and South Korea can eliminate external causes and promote the stable and long -term development of bilateral relations.

Xing Haiming said that the Chinese and South Korean people have a low favorability of each other countries, which is regrettable and worrying.He believes that the content of Chinese media in some South Korean media is too negative about China. It is the main reason for hurting the feelings of the people of the two countries. When reporting the news about China, the media always see the problem or exaggerate its words from a negative perspective, and only guide the situation of public opinion.

In response to the view of China at the United Nations Security Council meeting, Xing Haiming said that China has not been allowed to let it go.Dialogue to solve the problem of non -denominations.

Xing Haiming said that it is necessary to cooperate with China to realize the narduration of the Korean Peninsula, but the United States does not do so.China will continue to promote the problems of the relevant parties through dialogue and finally realize the peace.He also said that China ’s efforts to achieve the nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula are obvious to all. The North Korean Nuclear Trilogy, the Quartet talks, and the six -party talks are all promoted by China.