China released the economic data in the first three quarters of this year.(October 24) announced that according to customs statistics, the total value of China's imports and exports in the first three quarters was 3.111 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 608 trillion), a year -on -year increase of 9.9%.Among them, exports were 17.67 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.8%year -on -year; imports were 13.44 trillion yuan, an increase of 5.2%; trade surplus was 4.23 trillion yuan, an increase of 53.7%.NotIn the month of the month, the total value of China's imports and exports was 3.81 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.3%year -on -year, and the growth rate fell 0.3 percentage points from August.Among them, exports increased by 10.7%year -on -year, and the growth rate fell 1.1 percentage points from August; imports increased by 5.2%, which was 0.6 percentage points accelerated from August.NotIt is mentioned that the trade volume of China and major trading partners in the first three quarters has remained increased.ASEAN continues to be China's largest trading partner, and the total value of China and ASEAN has increased by 15.2%year -on -year; the European Union is the second largest trading partner in China.The total trade value increased by 8%year -on -year.Not, China ’s total imports and exports to the countries along the“ Belt and Road ”were 10.04 trillion yuan, an increase of 20.7%year -on -year.NotIt is also said that the rapid growth and export of private enterprises have increased and the proportion increases.Private enterprises' imports and exports in the first three quarters were 1.562 trillion yuan, an increase of 14.5%, accounting for 50.2%of the total foreign trade value of China Foreign Trade, an increase of 2 percentage points from the same period last year.At the same time, the exports of electromechanical products and labor -intensive products have increased, and the imports of iron ore sand have fallen, and imports of crude oil, coal, natural gas and soybean are reduced.NotLooking at the product, in the first three quarters, China's export mechanical and electrical products were 10.04 trillion yuan, an increase of 10%year -on -year, accounting for 56.8%of the total export value.Among them, the export of automobile exports was 259.84 billion yuan, an increase of 67.1%year -on -year

In terms of imports, in the first three quarters, China imported crude oil was 370 million tons, a year -on -year decrease of 4.3%; imports of imported refined oil was 17.372 million tons, a decrease of 13.9%; imported natural gas was 811.163 million tons, a decrease of 9.5%; Imported integrated circuits were 417.13 billion, a decrease of 12.8%.