China's "Dream Tian" experimental cabin will be launched this month.At present, various system systems are launching various testing preparations to ensure that the construction tasks of the Chinese space station are completed as scheduled.

According to China CCTV News reported on October 23, in recent days, the Shenzhou No. 14 Flying Passenger Group maintains and take care of the space station combination to prepare for the visit of the Dream Tianyan experiment.At present, the multiplier has stayed in the orbit for more than four months and has a good physical and mental state.

By the end of this year, China will also launch Tianzhou 5 cargo spacecraft and Shenzhou No. 15 manned spacecraft to achieve six astronauts work at the same time at the space station.

At the Wenchang Aerospace launcher in Hainan, the two -way and two -cabin (ship) of the Mengtian Experiment Currency and Tianzhou 5 launching tasks were performed at the same time.Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center has also launched the manned spacecraft launch and recycling tasks. Shenzhou No. 15 manned flight task has fully entered the preparation stage.