The highest power agency of the new Communist Party on Sunday (October 23) at noon in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing for the first time, it made its first public appearance.Bloomberg quoted economists that in the list of new members of the Central Committee, some local government officials have been promoted or increased, indicating that their experience is importance to future policy decisions.

According to reports, the deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Yin Yong, and the deputy mayor of Tianjin, Liu Guiping, was promoted to the official or alternate member of the Central Committee.They once served as the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of China.

Xing Zhaopeng, a senior strategist of Australia and New Bank, analyzed to Bloomberg that "the new list may show that comprehensive ability is more valuable than professional skills."He said that some of the people in the list are local government officials who have worked in the financial system."This may be because the processing of financial risks in the future may involve more exchanges with local governments."

Xing Zhaopeng also said that the dilemma of local government debt and real estate market may be the focus of the national financial work conference.

"I think this is why there are so many‘ comprehensive ’officials on the list. The direction they need to handle is very clear.” Xing Zhaopeng said when referring to the rich work experience of officials.The National Financial Work Conference is China's highest -level financial conference and is held every five years.

Bruce Pang, the research director of the Greater China Research in the Greater China, analyzed that Chinese leaders "will take a more flexible and pragmatic attitude towards the GDP target", and in view of the priority of the CCP, it shows that theyStill seeking "the balance between growth and security and stability ... Therefore, personnel changes will not lead to major changes in China's macro policy."

Yin Yong, Liu Guiping and other officials have experience in working in the financial department and local governments. Pang Ye added: "This helps them better understand the economic situation in reality and local political environment."

Ding Shuang, chief economist of Standard Chartered Bank Greater China and North Asian District, said when talking about the background of many officials' financial and local governments," "serving the real economy is the focus of financial decision -making, so it is implemented.The experience of measures has become more important now. "

He also said: "The overall direction of reform should be determined at a higher level, and the institution, like the People's Bank of China, is mainly responsible for executing the party's leadership decision."Emerging market economist Adam Wolfe said, "This seems to be a major reform of the leadership and will include financial institutions."He also said that whether it is Yi Gang or Guo Shuqing, as the current central bank governor and party secretary, it may not be retained in the central bank's position after being eliminated from the list of members of the Central Committee.

Yi Hui Man, the current chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, has been promoted to a central member.Wolf said: "He seems to be the candidate most likely to be elected as the president of the Central Bank of China. At least his career development trajectory is the closest to Yi Gang and Zhou Xiaochuan."

Grow Investment Group partnersHong Yan, the chief economist, analyzed that "the list is full of experience and obtains proof in their respective fields."He also said that Li Qiang was "very good at managing the economy, and it seemed that he would take over Li Keqiang, and He Lifeng would replace Liu He's position. He Lifeng was also a very respected person."" ".

Hong Yan said: "Therefore, the position responsible for the management of the economy is full of respected and successful people."