The GDP in China (GDP), which is stronger than expected in the third quarter, boosted, and the Shanghai -Shenzhen stock market rebounded after the opening on Monday (October 24).Weak.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Reuters reported that the China National Bureau of Statistics on the 24th showed that China's GDP in the third quarter increased by 3.9%year -on -year, super estimated 3.4%.After the Shanghai Index opened, it rose by 0.84%, and then rushed up.As of 10:18 in the morning, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 1.1%, the CSI 300 Index fell 1.8%, and the GEM index fell 1.5%.The real estate and consumption sector led a decline.

Hong Kong stocks are dragged down by technology, real estate, etc., and weakened after opening.As of 10:12 in the morning, the Hang Seng Technology Index fell 5.4%, and the Hang Seng Index fell 4.1%.

The list of the Standing Committee of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China was announced on the 23rd. The Chinese Central Economic Decision Team or reorganized. The new member of the new standing committee member Li Qiang is expected to replace Li Keqiang as the Prime Minister in March next year.The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has gradually realized the common prosperity, domestic and international dual cycles, and more secure development into the party constitution.