

Fangsheng said

The problem of how long the "dynamic clearing" of China has been this week has caused panic among netizens.

Chinese social media has been circulating a map card in the past few days, saying that the official shows that "dynamic clearance will be used as a basic national policy for a long time."Some local media and medical industries have self -media, including some local Health and Health Commission and the new media accounts of the disease control department. They have reposted the news, which once caused panic on the Internet.

Observer's website "Feng Wen", the website of the Observer Network, then published a rumor on Wednesday (September 14), emphasizing that the statement was "serious and not true" and condemned the rumors "too bad".Official media Xinhua News Agency, China News Network, China Daily, etc. have also reposted this rumor news.

What does dynamic clearance "as basic national policy" mean?Why do official media participate in rumors collectively?

Basic national policy refers to the national policy that has been implemented for a long time and cannot be shaken. For example, reform and opening up and science and education have been the basic national policy that China has adhered to the implementation for decades.If "dynamic clearance" is really a basic national policy, it has to be implemented at least for at least decades.

The misunderstanding in front of me reminds people in June of this year's "Five Years" reporting oolong.At that time, the client of Beijing Daily quoted Cai Qi, the secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China at the Beijing Party Congress, saying that "in the next five years, Beijing will persist in preventing and controlling the normalized epidemic."At that time, Beijing would also have a long -term policy of clearing the zero policy, which triggered a stir on the Internet.

The president of Beijing Daily Zhao Jingyun subsequently clarified that the report of the party congress did not have the words "next five years" before the epidemic prevention text, which was mistaken by the reporter.

Dynamic clearance has become a rumor of "basic national policy", which is more serious than the oolong in June -the rumor's meaning is that strict epidemic prevention policies are universal, and the deadline will far exceed the "Five Five Five Five Five in the Five of the Five in the future.Year".

Over the past two years, the impact of crown disease epidemic on China's economy, convenience of people's livelihood, employment, etc. has pushed the people’s contract pressure step by step, so the rebound of public opinion caused by this rumor can be imagined.Essence

The Chinese media strongly clarified that the release signal is: dynamic clearance is only an epidemic prevention measures taken in the special period of the epidemic, not long -term national policy, nor must they adhere to the constant political policy; this is China's subsequent epidemic prevention of epidemic prevention.Policy adjustment leaves space.

In this case, does this mean that the epidemic prevention policy can be relaxed?The answer is not so straightforward.

As the Chinese media "Basic National Policy Rumors", when the fire was extinguished, the World Health Organization Director Director Tan Desai said at a regular press conference on September 14th that "the epidemic was over".Spread.

Data platform cloud and data data shows that the entry of "WHO called the end of the new crown epidemic". On the morning of the 15th, it appeared on the Weibo hot search list, and the search volume exceeded 70,000 times.

But this entry was suddenly blocked by Weibo in the evening of the 15th. When I searched on the 16th, the link function of the entry had been canceled.In related news, only the entry that can be searched on the 16th that "WHO called on countries to continue to adhere to resistance."

Tan Detai's speech caused a polarized response on the Internet. Optimistic netizens believe that "the dawn is in front of it"; there are also many netizens taking the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with Chinese epidemic prevention policies.China listened, "Only Chinese people in the world are still seriously antiviral."As the entry of "WHO's calling for the end of the new crown epidemic" was blocked, some netizens commented immediately, "know what attitude is."

It is worth noting that Tan Desai's speech is mainly circulated on the media. Even after some entries are blocked by Weibo, many self -media reposted this news on the 16th.The end of the epidemic is about to end or the epidemic is about to end.This reflects the eager expectations of social style and public opinion on ending strict epidemic prevention measures.The WHO entry is blocked on Weibo, showing that the official call for the relaxation of epidemic prevention policies for the demands of the people is very vigilant.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (the 20th National Congress) has entered the countdown of the last month. Whether it is rumor or shielding, the official focus is not to lay the way for the future policy.The topic became a hot spot in public opinion during the 20th period.

At present, China is highly concerned about whether the 20th National Congress will put forward new claims to the epidemic, and open up the priority of relaxing the epidemic prevention policy in China in the future.Most analysts believe that China may first relax the epidemic prevention policy next spring.Whether this expectation can be true is that when the official signal is blurred, it can only be said that "the epidemic is over", but it still needs to "continue to adhere to resistance."