(London / Beijing Comprehensive News) The US media quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that the British House of Communisturia refused to let the Chinese government delegation enter the Westminster Hall of the Congress Building and admire the spirit of the Queen Elizabeth IIField Chinese and British diplomacy disputes.

Politico Politico on Thursday (September 15) quoted senior officials of the British Parliament that Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the British House of Commons, told his colleagues that he rejected Chinese officials before entering Queen Britain's funeral and entered the British funeral.Westminster's demands for the Queen Lingyu of Britain.

All the heads of state who went to London to attend the funeral of the British Queen were invited to pay attention to the Queen Ling Ling before the funeral, and went to Lamaster Mansion on the hanging book.Queen's Lingzhang, Wednesday (14th), arrived at London the next day to the Westminster Hall for the people to admire until the morning of the funeral.

Westminster Hall is part of the Congress Building (Westminster Palace) and is in charge of the Speaker of the British House of House.Last year, as China imposed sanctions on many British members of the Xinjiang Uyghur Muslims, the Speaker of the British House of Commons banned Chinese Ambassador to the UK from the British Parliament.The sanctions have not been lifted, and the ban is still retained.

The British Ministry of Foreign Affairs drafted the invitation to the Queen's funeral last week. Chinese officials were invited to attend, but they may not go to the funeral.Hoyle's decision shows that the official representatives of China may go to the Pavilion of Westminster to attend the funeral of the Queen of England, but was banned from the Westminster Hall outside a few meters to sorrow.

The Hong Kong South China Morning Post quoted the source of diplomatic sources on the 15th that the vice chairman of China Wang Qishan was expected to go to London to attend the Queen's funeral.The funeral will be held next Monday (19th), and it is reported that Wang Qishan will arrive in London the day before.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Wang Qishan went to the British Embassy in China on Monday (12th), and Queen Queen died.He stood silent in front of the queen of Britain and inscribed the book.