Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Friday (September 16) with Iranian President Leiti in Uzbekistan, saying that Iraqi Welcome to participate in the global development initiative and global security initiative. China will continue to participate in the Iran nuclear issue comprehensive issue.The agreement resumes performance negotiations and supports the Iraqi side to safeguard legitimate rights and interests.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping said that the traditional friendship between China and Iran, the relationship between the two countries has undergone the test of international changes, and consolidating and developing the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Iran is the common strategic choice of the two countries.From the perspective of strategic height and long -term perspective, China is willing to strengthen strategic communication and coordination with the Iranian side to promote new progress in the relationship between the two countries.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the Chinese side supports the Iraqi side to safeguard the sovereignty and national dignity, and is willing to work with the Iraqi side to safeguard the principle of non -interference in the internal affairs and safeguard the common interests of developing countries.The two sides should actively implement the comprehensive cooperation plan of the two countries, actively carry out co -construction of the "Belt and Road" cooperation to create more cooperation results.

Xi Jinping also said that Iraqi Welcome to participate in global development initiative and global security initiative.China congratulates the Iraqi party who is about to become a formal member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation within the framework of the SCO.China will continue to participate in the Iranian nuclear issue comprehensive agreement to restore performance negotiations and support the Iraqi side to safeguard legitimate legitimate rights and interests.

Laish said that the traditional friendship in Iranzhong is profound, and the relationship between the two parties has important strategic significance.The Iranian side is firmly committed to strengthening cooperation with China and exchanges at all levels to develop comprehensive strategic partnerships in Iran and China.The Iranian side firmly believes that China will strongly maintain national sovereignty and territorial integrity and achieve the great goal of building a modern country.Thanks to China for adhering to fairness and justice in international affairs.Iran is about to become a formal member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which will help Iran to strengthen cooperation in international and regional multilateral frameworks.The Iranian side supports the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative, global development initiative, and global security initiative. It is willing to cooperate in depth with China to adhere to real multilateralism.