Liu Liu

News World

The Chinese Pharmaceutical Giant Fosun Group reported on Tuesday (September 13) that the regulatory agency was investigated. The news continued to ferment. The rumors of Fosun's head Guo Guangchang suspected of "running the road" were also very arrogant.Guo Guangchang, who hasn't appeared for a long time, quickly issued a Weibo that day, explaining that he had just ended his overseas travel trip. It is currently being isolated, which is a calm "runway".

Guo Guangchang, who has been a long -lasting sand field, is not the first time in a similar storm.The most sensational time was on December 10, 2015, a number of Chinese media reported "Guo Guangchang lost contact", and Fosun announced the next day that Guo Guangchang was assisting in the investigation of relevant judicial organs.The outside world speculated that the "loss" was related to Wang Zongnan, the former general manager of Shanghai Friendship Group, which was sentenced to four months ago.At that time, Guo Guangchang suddenly appeared at the 2016 Working Conference of Fosun Group, and told the outside world to tell the outside world that it was nothing, and that storm came to an end.

Different from that time, Guo Guangchang, who has not posted Weibo for half a year, chose to speak on a social platform and clarify the rumors of "running".He also announced on Weibo that Fosun, as a Chinese -rooted company, is always the most important base.

Two days later, he ended again, accusing Bloomberg of the request of Chinese financial regulatory agencies to investigate the reporting reports on Fosun's risk exposure, and Fosun will filed a lawsuit to defend the legitimate rights and interests.

In fact, Fosun's falling into the storm this time cannot be completely blamed on Bloomberg's report. Instead, it has a lot to do with the company's high debt in recent years and frequent selling assets.

In the first half of this year, Fosun's total liabilities increased from 603.158 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 121.4 billion) at the end of last year to 6511.57 billion yuan, and the asset -liability ratio was as high as 76.64 %.BA3 is lowered to B1, and the outlook is negative.At the same time, Fosun still reduces the shares of many enterprises in the downturn of stock prices, including transferring the control of gold emblem wine and reducing holding Qingdao Beer, which makes investors feel disturbed.

With the core assets of the "Fosun", Fosun Pharmaceuticals encountered the "first controlled holding of holding holdings for the first time on the market" on the 2nd of this month, and the market's pessimism of Fosun further deepened.After the announcement was released, Fosun Pharmaceutical's stock price, known as the "White Horse" of the pharmaceutical stocks, was severely frustrated.

Guo Guangchang, 55, started with medicine. With a unique investment vision and excellent capital operation ability, he established a huge Fojun business landscape in the shopping mall and was known as "Buffett in China".

Unlike ordinary private entrepreneurs, Guo Guangchang has participated in the mixed state -owned enterprises, including Yuyuan Mall and Chinese Medicine Holdings in the past 20 years to help the listing of state -owned enterprises.On the other hand, as a representative of Chinese private entrepreneurs to the "world investor", Fosun he is in charge of Fosun has also been deployed overseas for many years. It is reported that it may be private capital holding the most overseas assets.

A commercial empire with a variety of subsidiaries, extensive industries, and complex capital structures, will provoke market sensitive nerves in every move.However, from the response of Guo Guangchang, he understood that the Fudan Philosophy Department was very concerned about what the market was most concerned about and what Chinese regulators were most concerned about.

In fact, from the information disclosed by Fosun, Guo Guangchang's overseas insurance business landscape has also been shrinking in recent years. He has also sold British real estate, and the sign of "running" is not obvious.In an interview in 2014, he also said that the government would not rectify you as long as the enterprise did not make mistakes or chaos.

Fosun faces many tricky problems, but Guo Guangchang was said to "run the road" but also highlighted the fragility of the market and the panic of capital.This is related to the attitude of Chinese public opinion and regulatory agencies in recent years, and it has further increased market risks and uncertainty, which is exactly the most afraid of big guys.