Saturday (September 17), Chengdu, Sichuan Province, which has just been terminated and controlled, performed a whole nucleic acid test in the city.

According to the "Chengdu release" WeChat public account, the Chengdu crown disease epidemic prevention and control headquarters announced on Friday (16th) that the current Chengdu epidemic prevention and control has achieved phased results, and the situation of the epidemic situation is steady and good.In order to prevent hiding risk, it was decided to carry out another nucleic acid testing throughout the city from 7:00 to 14:00 on the 17th.

The headquarters requires all citizens to complete the total nucleic acid testing during the periodic period of inspection.The nucleic acid test personnel will not be managed by the nucleic acid test personnel.

The announcement states that the streets that have not gradually resumed the order of normal production and living in an orderly manner, and high -middle -risk areas strictly implemented nucleic acid testing requirements in accordance with relevant regulations.Other isolation personnel, home health monitoring personnel, and key industries, key groups, etc., perform nucleic acid testing in accordance with relevant regulations.

The notice requires that party and government agencies, enterprises and institutions, and production and operation units at all levels must urge employees to participate in nucleic acid testing in time or place of work.The work returns (including the first day of the job) need to check the 48 -hour kernel acid negative proof.

After the epidemic in this round, Chengdu, with more than 20 million residents, announced on September 1 that the city's "principle home" will be announced on the evening of the 14th.From 12 noon on the 15th, adjust the prevention and control measures of Jinjiang District, Shuangliu District, High -tech Zone, Qingyang District, Jinniu District, Wuhou District, and Chenghua District.Production and living order.

A round of nucleic acid testing was performed on the 15th of the six districts of the central urban area of Chengdu.