Chinese President Xi Jinping said at the head of the head of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization that it is necessary to prevent external forces to motivate the "Color Revolution", and to jointly oppose to interfere with any excuses to interfere with the domestic politics, and firmly hold the country's future destiny firmly on the country's future destiny firmly in the country.In your own hand.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the 22nd meeting of the head of the members of the SCO members on Friday (September 16), and appreciated Uzbekistan as a rotating chairman country forPromote the work done by cooperation in various fields of the SCO.

Xi Jinping said that Uzbekistan Samalham is a world -famous "Silk Road Pearl" and witnessed the splendor and glory of the ancient Silk Road.The ancient Silk Road made great contributions to the circulation of commodity and products in the Asia and Europe, the spread of science and technology, the collision of ideological concepts, and the integration of multiculturalism. It also provided historical inspiration for the realization of peace and development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

He said that this year coincides with the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Charter of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the 15th anniversary of the signing of the long -term neighbor -friendly cooperation between member states.Over the years, the organizational state has gradually successfully explored the growth and growth of new international organizations with these two programming documents as the foundation of the ideological cornerstone and action guidelines, and has accumulated a series of important successful experiences of inspiration.

The five successful experiences listed by Xi Jinping are:

Adhere to political mutual trust, adhere to the concept of friendship between generations, and the development path of each other's core interests and choices, support eachFang realizes peace, stability and development;

adheres to mutual benefit cooperation, takes care of each other's interests, adheres to the principles of discussing and building sharing, strengthening the development of development strategies, and always taking the road of mutual benefit and win -win situation;

Adhere to equality and treat each other, advocate that countries are equal, and pursue the principle of consistent negotiation, more discussions, good discussions, do not engage in bullying and weakness;

Persist in insisting onOpen and inclusive, advocate that different countries, different ethnic groups, and different cultures live in harmony, learn from each other, advocate civilized dialogue, seek common ground while depositing differences, and are willing to establish partnership and develop mutually beneficial cooperation with more like -minded countries and international organizations;> Adhere to fairness and justice, abide by the purpose and principles of the UN Charter, always start from the right and wrong of the matter itself, deal with major international and regional issues, and oppose the right to the right to harm the legitimate rights and interests of other countries.

He pointed out that the above five -point experience fully reflects the "Shanghai spirit" that mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, negotiation, respect for diverse civilizations, and seek common development.Practice shows that the "Shanghai Spirit" is the vitality of the development and growth of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and it is also the fundamental follow that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization must adhere to it for a long time.

Xi Jinping also said that the development of human society is the same as nature. There are sunny days, as well as the moment of snow and snow.At present, the world's unreparable changes are accelerating the evolution, and the world has entered a new period of turbulent change.Century epidemic haze has not been scattered, local conflicts of smoke rises again. The Cold War thinking and group political back trends, unilateralism and protectionism look up, economic globalization encounters countercurrent, peaceful deficits, development deficits, trust deficits, and deficits have increased. Human societyStanding at the crossroads, facing unprecedented challenges.

He pointed out that in the new situation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as an important constructive force in international and regional affairs, we must be brave to face the changes in international storms, firmly grasp the trend of the times, continuously strengthen the combination of groups, promote the construction of construction moreThe close body of the fate of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

He emphasized that countries should increase mutual support, strengthen high -level exchanges and strategic communication, deepen mutual understanding and political mutual trust, and support each other's efforts to maintain security and develop interests.It is necessary to prevent external forces to mobilize the "color revolution", and to jointly oppose interference in other domestic politics with any excuses, and firmly hold the country's future destiny in your own hands.

He also said that countries must expand security cooperation and quote the proverb of Uzbekistan, "With peace, the country can flourish; with the rain and dew, the earth can prosper."China proposes a global security initiative, advocates that countries adhere to the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable safety concepts, and promote the establishment of a balanced, effective and sustainable security structure. All parties are welcome to participate in the implementation of this initiative.

He said that we must continue to carry out joint counter -terrorism exercises, severely crack down on "three forces", drug smuggling, network and multinational organizational crimes, and effectively deal with non -traditional security challenges such as data security, biological security, external air safety and other non -traditional security challenges.EssenceChina is willing to train 2,000 law enforcement officers for member states in the next five years, establish a training base for anti -terrorism professionals in China -Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and strengthen the construction of law enforcement capabilities in all parties.It is also necessary to continue to play platforms such as the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization -Afghanistan Liaison Group" and the coordinated cooperation mechanism of Afghanistan neighbors, and encourage Afghanistan to officially build a widely inclusive political structure to eradicate terrorist breeding soil.

He also pointed out that we must deepen pragmatic cooperation and let the people from all over the region live a good life.China's initiative to launch a global development initiative is to hope that the international community attaches great importance to development issues, promote the establishment of global development partnerships, and achieve stronger, green, and healthy global development.China is willing to take root in the proposal in the region with various countries to help countries achieve sustainable development.
He also said that it is necessary to implement the two statements of the maintenance of international energy security and food security passed by the summit, and improve the level of energy and food security.

He proposed that China will provide emergency humanitarian assistance such as RMB 1.5 billion (about S $ 300 million) to developing countries in need.

Xi Jinping also said that this summit is welcome to approve the outline of the long -term cooperation treaty for the good -neighborly and friendly cooperation of member states in the next five years.Cooperation documents in areas such as innovation, artificial intelligence, etc., continue to strengthen the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative with the development strategies and regional cooperation initiatives of various countries, expand cooperation between small and multilaterals and sub -regions, and create more cooperation growth points.

He pointed out that it is necessary to implement the roadmap of the member states to expand the settlement of the local currency, strengthen the construction of the local currency cross -border payment settlement system, promote the establishment of the organization and development bank of the organization, and accelerate the process of regional economic integration.China will hold the Organization Development Cooperation Meeting and the Industrial Chain Supply Chain Forum next year, establish the Big Data Cooperation Center of China -Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and build a new engine of common development.China is willing to cooperate with all parties to cooperate in the field of aerospace, and support the agricultural development, interconnection construction, disaster reduction and rescue of all parties by providing satellite data services.

He also said that it is necessary to strengthen humanistic exchanges, deepen cooperation in the fields of education, science and technology, culture, health, media, radio and television, and continue to run youth exchange camps, women's forums, folk friendly forums, traditional medical forums, etc.Brand activities, support the Shanghai Cooperation Organization of the Homing and Friendly Cooperation Committee of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, have played a role in play.China will build the China -Shanghai Cooperation Organization Frozen Sports Demonstration Zone. Next year will hold a forum reduction and sustainable development forums and friendly city forums.Essence

He emphasized that he must adhere to multilateralism.Passionate to "small circles" will push the world to splitting and confrontation.He called on SCO member states to firmly maintain the United Nations as the core international system and international law based on international law, promote the common value of all mankind, and abandon the zero -harmony game and group politics.It is necessary to expand the interaction with international and regional organizations such as the United Nations, adhere to the true multilateralism, work together to improve global governance, and work together to promote the international order in a more fair and reasonable direction.

Xi Jinping also said that recently, more and more countries have applied for joining the "big family", which fully shows that the concept of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the development prospects are widely optimistic.Promoting the development of the organization's development and extending the active impact of the organization will inject positive energy and create new vitality in order to maintain the Asia -Europe mainland and the world's lasting peace and common prosperity.China supports active and safely to do a good job of expansion, promote the acceptance of Iran as a member country, start Belarus to join procedures, absorb Balin, Maldives, UAE, Kuwait, and Myanmar as dialogue partners, and give relevant applicants to the relevant law of the applicantLaw status.He emphasized that it is necessary to seize the opportunity, consolidate consensus, deepen cooperation, and jointly create a better future of the Asia and Europe.

Xi Jinping also congratulated India to take over the next rotating chairman of the SCO, and is willing to support India to do a good job in the work of the chairmanship.

Xi Jinping also said that since the beginning of this year, in the face of complex and severe development environment at home and abroad, China has adhered to the general tone of steady progress, and the requirements for implementing the epidemic should prevent, the economy must be stable, and the development of development must be safe.Adhering to the overall planning of the epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, it not only protects the safety of the people's lives and physical health to the greatest extent, but also stabilizes the basic market for economic and social development to the greatest extent.

He pointed out that China's strong economic toughness, sufficient potential, wide range of rooms, and long -term good fundamentals will not change.Essence

He also mentioned that in a month, China will hold the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Government, and say that this is to comprehensively build a new national journey of socialist modernization.A very important conference held at a critical moment when the century -old struggle goal has entered.The conference will comprehensively summarize the major achievements and valuable experiences of China's reform and development, comprehensively grasp the new requirements of the new era and new journey in the new era, the new expectations of the people in the development of China's cause, the new expectations of the people, and formulate the action program and the political policy.

Xi Jinping said that China will adhere to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese -style modernization, continue to actively promote the establishment of a community of human destiny, and bring new opportunities to the world with the new development of China, and to the world's peace and development and human civilization.Progress contribute wisdom and strength.