The China Telecom Building in Changsha, Hunan Province, a fire occurred on Friday (September 16) in the afternoon of Friday (September 16).Hunan Telecom said that the specific cause of the fire was investigating, and no casualties were found.

Comprehensive China CCTV News and Beijing Daily reported that fire rescue workers rushed to the scene to control the fire after the scene. At present, the building of the building has been extinguished.

It is understood that the incident was completed in 2000 and is located in the east of Changsha City in 2000. It has become the first building that exceeds 200 meters at a height of 218 meters.

Hunan Telecom issued a notice saying that China Telecom Hunan Company Lotus Garden Telecom Building caught fire at about 3:30 pm on the same day, which did not affect communication security.In order to ensure safety, the company has actively disconnected power, and the specific reason for the fire is being investigated. At present, no casualties are found.The follow -up situation will be announced as soon as possible.