Outside the wall

Li Huiling

When a friend cleaned up the old book of the elders at home, sent me a 1960 Singapore yearbook (State of Singapore Annual Report 1960).This is an interesting book. There is no signature of the author. It only explains that it is the official -the government Press Published.This is the first annual report published by the government after Singapore's autonomy. In addition to the theory, history and administrative agencies, the other is divided into 10 chapters. Division of other categories is a major event in Singapore.These 10 chapters are: population, public finance and economic development, laws and security, labor and welfare, industry and commerce, culture, information and publicity, education, engineering and construction, transportation, and hygiene.

In the Introduction, it pointed out that 1960 was a complete year for Singapore to have the national anthem, national emblem and national flag, and the autonomous state government's first administration.The task of inheritance in the autonomous state government is arduous, because the language and traditions between the ethnic groups have a gap, and people "tolerate each other rather than actively cooperate with each other"; and the government's task is in this context, governing a self -self has its own self.A country with consciousness, self -discipline, and preparing self -development is the key first year.

Introduction to the leader of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of state: "We become a country, but do not have a prerequisite for becoming the country -common language, common loyalty, and common social psychology. We have not come to these.Form the unity that everyone expects. "

Official discussions also point out that Singapore is undergoing changes, including it is getting more and more isolated from neighboring countries, including the Malayan United State.The Chinese people account for the majority of the population, so that Singapore is more urgent to establish Southeast Asian vision, so that it can focus more with emerging national nations in Southeast Asia.From the perspective of the population, in 1960, nearly half of the population of Singapore came from new citizens who had just obtained the right to vote; the other 53%was a local birth population under 21 years old, and they had no right to vote.This means that half of the population is immigration.This will undoubtedly change Singapore into a "country" in Southeast Asia.

Autonomy is the first step in Singapore's separation of colonies.From autonomy to independence, now go back to see, although Singapore ’s social appearance and living standards have been very different from the time after the Singapore’ s social appearance and living standards, the government -state government analyzes the environment in Singapore at that time, and insist on being a country, the people should have it.Identification is still familiar with Singapore people today.

Elementary school is short and short, and from the beginning, race, language, culture, and religion are not only alone. Singapore attaches importance to sovereignty independence and the sense of belonging and identity of nationals.On the other hand, because there is no natural resources, for the development of the economy and for survival, it must be more open than anyone else.As a city country, international talents and capital are live water. It needs international talents and capital than anyone else.But the word source of "Cosmopolitan" means "world citizen" in Greek.Singapore's "International Metropolis" and the national awareness and identity emphasized are contradictory.In 2002, when Mr. Wu Zongdong was still serving as Prime Minister Singapore, he talked about the "STAYER" and "Quitter" at the National Day Mass Conference. I hope that the Singaporeans will bravely guard the generals and set off a considerable discussion.EssenceBecause Singapore asked the people to be a guard, but at the same time, he hopes to attract others' "deserters".

The concept of

Singapore's "International Metropolis" has been continuously mentioned, and has been talked about in international media over the years.To some extent, this is the recognition of talents who are conditions for the world.Their arrival can inject vitality into this city, let the city be created, and bring new opportunities and wealth.But Singaporeans have different acceptance of this concept.It means that Singapore's prosperity, progress, opening up, and diversity, but once people feel their job, they are threatened because of the competition of foreigners; when people feel that house prices have been pushed up and living expenses have risen; when people find that "international international is largeWhen there is a gap between the value concept of "metropolis", the identity of his own as a "Singapore citizen" is even more prominent. When striving for the rights and interests of "Singapore citizens", there will even be a performance of him.

Although the Singaporean government has repeatedly guaranteed to continue to take care of the people, especially low -income groups, when people see those newly launched real estate sales, there are more luxurious cars on the road, and news reports in Singapore are hundreds of hundreds of hundreds.Wanfuhao (better may be the rich man), and will always feel lonely after comparison.Although because they set up a family office here, the high -consumption life also benefit the local people engaged in the service industry, people are always uncomfortable.Coupled with social media to amplify certain pictures, people's emotions are easily provoked.

Because of this, when the Minister of Manpower Chen Shilong announced the introduction of top -level expertise, issuing a permit (not citizenship) to the top experts who are willing to come here, and the monthly salary of 30,000 yuan in the government's eyes is 30,000 yuanthreshold.People may not be rich, but the annual salary of many people does not have 30,000 yuan. What is the concept of a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan?The Minister of Manpower mentioned Liu Bei Ai Zhuge Liang's talents in the speeches of Congress. Singapore wants to attract the world -class Zhuge Liang, but we also have to remember that in the story of the three times, Kong Ming did not live in a luxury mansion, but "cottage". He is a cloth.It is not a waist entanglement.How to persuade people to accept high -value talents in the era when the gap between the rich and the poor is continuously expanded.

From another perspective, people who are attracted by the "International Metropolis" and are willing to go to Singapore's settlement home will eventually hope that locals can accept them.It is emphasized that their specialties can create economic value for Singapore, but this relationship is too much like a transaction.I came into contact with some foreign experts who came to the local area, and they were also happy to do their best for Singaporea society.Some of them may just talk verbally, and they are not so serious; or because of various reasons, they choose to act low -key.What the government has to do is to introduce talents into the international metropolis. If they decide to take root here, they must understand and accept their responsibilities and obligations as citizens.What the folk can do is to encourage this group to lead their resources and guide places in society, so that they can also reflect social and cultural value in addition to creating economic value.

On the one hand, we must openly open their minds, and to be careful about localization and maintain unity in diversity. This is the fate of Singapore. From the beginning of becoming a country, this is the case. The task is arduous.Will Singapore face today more complicated than 1960?Will the international metropolis and strengthen national identity be deepened than before?There are more talents who can walk around the world, while Singapore has the conditions to attract them.For us, is this better or bad?This is at least a question that Singaporeans can ask themselves.If you think that this is better for Singapore, but there are other concerns, then the government, Singaporeans and these talents have a basis for dialogue and discussion.If the Singaporeans determine that it cannot be done, let it become a political issue, it is the question of whether Singapore can survive in the long run.

The author is the president of the Chinese Media Group of New Newspaper Media

On the one hand, we must openly open their minds, and to be careful about localization and maintain unity in diversity. This is the fate of Singapore. From the beginning of becoming a country, this is the case. The task is arduous.For us, is this better or bad?This is at least a question that Singaporeans can ask themselves.