For China's domestic stable growth policy has gradually effective, > No need to worry about the continuous depreciationspan> .not According to the Securities Daily, > At 8 pm on Thursday (September 15th), SPAN> offshore RMB exchange rate against the US dollar > Two years > "Break 7" again, go down to the lowest 7.0183.The exchange rate of the US dollar on the shore was also approached 7 to 6.998.not Statistics show that as of Wednesday (September 14), the US dollar index rose 14.92%this year, and the exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar fell by 9.56%at the same time.24.14%, 14.7%.not Wen Bin, chief economist of Minsheng Bank, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that the main reason for "breaking 7" again was the influence of the Federal Reserve to accelerate the tightening of monetary policy to suppress high inflation.The US dollar index is constantly strengthening, and non -US dollar currencies will depreciate to varying degrees as RMB.However, compared with the currency of major developed economies such as British pounds, euro, and yen, the depreciation of the RMB is relatively small, and the exchange rate index is generally stable.not Wen Bin continued to analyze why the RMB did not have the basis of continuous depreciation.He said that if from the fundamental fundamentals of China, compared with the second quarter, the growth rate of GDP in the third quarter is expected to rise significantly, the inflation level is controllable, and the international revenue and expenditure conditions are also good.The higher surplus lays the foundation for the stable exchange rate of the RMB and the smooth operation of the foreign exchange market.not Wen Bin said, > The market does not need to worry too much about the RMB exchange rate, because SPAN> BOC Securities previously released a research report that in the fourth quarter, as the Fed's tightening rhythm slowed down, the US dollar indexes fell, and China's domestic stable growth policy gradually became effective. The RMB exchange rate may fluctuate.Back.not Wen Bin said that the continuous improvement of the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism will increase the flexibility of the RMB exchange rate, and the two -way fluctuation of the US dollar exchange rate is the norm.He suggested that for export -oriented enterprises, it is necessary to establish the concept of exchange rate risk neutrality, take the initiative to use derivative tools, do a good job of exchange rate risk management, and maintain normal production and operation.