Sun Dianjun, chairman of the Consultation Committee of China Local Disease Prevention and Control, said on Friday (September 16) that China's iodine deficiency disease remains continued, and the iodine nutrition of children and pregnant women remains in a suitable state, but it is stillIt should adhere to the general salt and iodine policy.

According to Red Star News, according to reports, China has implemented measures for general people's general salt and iodine to prevent iodine deficiency in 1994, and has continued to eliminate iodine deficiency.Especially in the past ten years, China ’s iodine deficiency has remained eliminated, and no new Katin disease patients are not seen.

For the above achievements in the past ten years, Sun Dianjun introduced at the "Our Ten Years" series of press conferences held by the China Health and Health Commission.Scientific measures for iodine supplementation.In the past, all provinces in China had only one concentration. In 2012, it became three concentrations, 20, 25, and 30 mg per kilogram. Each province chose the concentration of salt iodine according to the iodine nutrition level of its own residents.

Sun Dianjun said that China ’s iodine deficiency diseased area or areas of difficult areas have been in the west., Tong Tong, about S $ 12 million), used for emergency iodine supplements in key populations, Tibet and Xinjiang have raised their own funds of 300 million yuan and 120 million yuan, which provides iodized salt for free iodized salt, or iodized salt provides price subsidies for free, or iodized salt provides price subsidies for price subsidies.Or women in childcare give the iodine oil pill.

For the next step, Sun Dianjun said that he should still adhere to the general strategy of general salt and iodine to prevent iodine deficiency.China is a country where iodine deficiency is generally iodine. From the survey of 2018, 83.6%of the country in the country is in a state of iodine deficiency, and the iodine content of drinking water is less than 10 micrograms per liter.

For the problem of iodized salt in coastal areas, Sun Dianjun said that it is necessary to eat iodized salt through investigation.At present, in the case of promoting iodized salt, the level of children in the coastal areas is in a suitable state, and pregnant women in some provinces are not enough.However, the iodine content of algae foods is very high, so I do n’t need to supplement iodine.

"We still need to adopt the principles of adapting to local conditions, classification guidance, and scientific iodine supplementation. We must consider the iodine level of iodine levels in different regions and different people in different regions and different people under the circumstances of scientific iodine., Lifetime, etc., can accurately supplement iodine. "

Sun Dianjun emphasized that the next step must be narrowed the concentration of iodized salt, making different people accept different salt iodine concentrations more accurate.In addition, we must not only pay attention to the iodine nutrition of children and pregnant women, but also pay attention to the iodine saline level of neonatal and infant breast lactation women.Finally, we must pay attention to people in different regions, such as people with thyroid diseases, and implement differentiated iodine supplements.

Sun Dianjun said that China has now formulated the standards of iodine deficiency and suitable areas of iodine, and the standards in excessive iodine areas have been formulated.In the next step, we must promote the implementation and truly accurately supplement iodine and scientific iodine.