China Official Media Securities Daily published a signature comment article on Friday (September 16) that the policy of keeping diplomatic relations is an important manifestation of stabilizing the economy to protect people's livelihood.

The article mentioned that since the meeting of the Central Political Bureau of the Central Committee on July 28 this year, the local government, real estate enterprises and other parties have taken action to make specific deployments.Even "military order".In August of this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, together with relevant departments such as the Ministry of Finance and the People's Bank of China, issued special measures to improve the policy toolbox, and support the construction of residential projects for overdue difficulty in sale.This is of great significance to stabilize the real estate market, boost market confidence, and hold the economic market.

The article says that under the positioning of "do not live in the house", it is an important manifestation of just needing and reasonable improvement in the need to keep the building.From the perspective of the past ten years, the Ministry of Housing and Construction has made some expressions: insisting on putting the foothold of real estate development on people's livelihood, and a safe implementation of real estate long -term mechanisms, stable land prices, stable house prices, and stable expectations.The strategy and "one city, one policy" promotes the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.

Further look at the four aspects of the Ministry of Housing and Construction, whether it is "establishing a policy coordination mechanism", or "establishing a provincial and municipal linkage mechanism", or "sound monitoring, early warning, evaluation and assessmentThe ultimate point of focusing on mechanisms "and" strengthening the supervision of the real estate market "is to reasonably support the demand and improve the demand for housing, and curb speculative speculation in order to achieve the purpose of stable price, stable house prices, and expected expectations.This requires that the continuity and stability of the real estate regulation policy should be maintained, the accuracy and coordination of the regulatory policy should be enhanced, and the subject responsibility of all parties will be further compressed.

The article says that some important meetings have repeatedly emphasized that "to adhere to the positioning of the house for living, not for frying", and propose "supporting the specific local actuality to improve the real estate policy" and other specifics.Requires to promote the smooth and healthy development of the real estate market.

At the local level, many regions have held relevant meetings to clearly implement the work of "insurance delivery". In some areas, they have also given clear targets., To be a comprehensive and substantive resumption of work in the semi -stop work project. "

At the same time, a series of measures have been launched in various places.During the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday just past, many places have issued new property market policies to start with provident fund support and guide banks to reduce mortgage interest rates.And healthy development.

At the end of the article, the regulatory policy is the reins. If you use it well, you can let the real estate this "mighty horse" collect the "wildness" and run out of satisfactory results.Under the position of adhering to the "housing and not stir -fry", because the city's strategy uses a good policy box to maintain the continuity of the regulatory policy, and form a long -term mechanism, it is the key to realizing a virtuous cycle and healthy development in the real estate industry.It helps to achieve the goal of "keeping traffic and protecting the people's livelihood".