As the Chinese government introduced stimulus measures to cope with the impact of the epidemic, the continued sluggish property market, and the shortage of power, the Chinese economy showed signs of recovery in August.

According to Bloomber%.The total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 5.4%year -on -year, higher than the expected increase of 3.3%, and also increased by 2.7%higher than July.

From January to August this year, the investment in fixed assets of farmers has increased by 5.8%year -on -year, and it is also better than the growth of economists' predictions by 5.5%.The survey unemployment rate dropped from 5.4%in July to 5.3%.

The Chinese government and the central bank have recently adopted some measures to support housing and construction, with a view to boosting the rapidly slowing economy this year.The government has also increased the expenditure of infrastructure to boost the economy, while the central bank reduces interest rates to stimulate borrowing.