Xin Guobin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said on Thursday (September 15) that new energy vehicles have become a air outlet industry, which has attracted a large number of technologies and capitals.The desire for transformation and upgrading, under the common role of factors in various aspects, has a blind investment and repeated construction in some provinces and cities and localities.In the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will strengthen the planning and layout, take more powerful measures to promote the high -quality development of the new energy vehicle industry.

According to the Securities Times report, Xin Guobin held a press conference on the development of "my country's maintenance industry chain supply chain toughness and stability" at the National New Office. The change in the industry has introduced a series of policies to support industrial development and infrastructure construction. Some breakthroughs have been achieved in core key areas such as battery, motor, and electronic control.

Xin Guobin pointed out that from January to August, the production and sales of Chinese new energy vehicles reached 3.97 million and 3.86 million, respectively, an increase of 1.2 times and 1.1 times year -on -year, and the market share reached 22.9%.

The latest data from the China Automobile Association also shows that since this year, China's new energy vehicle exports have continued to grow. From January to August this year, 341,000 new energy vehicles exports have reached 26.7%to the export rate of automobile exports.

However, Xin Guobin also said that new energy vehicles have become a air outlet industry, which has attracted a large number of technology and capital to remit and gather to this industry. In addition, some local governments also have the desire to transform and upgrade.Under the common effect of factors, there are indeed blind investment and repeated construction in some provinces and cities and localities.

"These problems are issues in development. With the growth and maturity of the industry, these problems will gradually be digested. Of course, the development of the new energy vehicle industry is still facing the coordination of policies and regulations and accelerating supporting facilities.New tasks in infrastructure construction, strengthening personal information and important data protection, these require us to solve it in the future. "He emphasized.

Next, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology implements the development plan for the new energy vehicle industry (2021-2035), further strengthen the planning and layout of the overall plan, and take more powerful measures to promote the high -quality development of the new energy vehicle industry.Follow -up will focus on the following aspects.

First, strengthen coordination and coordination.Promote the establishment of a coordination mechanism for industrial development, adhere to the effective market and organic integration of the government, implement various tasks in detail, give play to the cooperation of all parties and improve support policies, promote cross -industry and cross -sectors to integrate innovation and development, study related issues, and thoroughly study, thoroughly study, and study related issues, thoroughly, and study related issues, thoroughly, and through related issues, thoroughly, and through related issues, thoroughly study, and study related issues.Solved.

The second is to optimize the supporting environment.It is necessary to continue to support breakthroughs in key technological innovation, accelerate the construction of charging and replacement, car and road collaboration infrastructure, improve the ability to ensure key resource protection, optimize the "dual points" management methods for the implementation of new energy vehicles, and create a better industrial development environment.

Third is to further improve the method of supervision.Further refine regulations and management requirements, continue to improve the standard system, and strengthen network security and data security supervision.At the same time, support the pilot of the access to intelligent connected cars, promote the further development of the new energy vehicle industry, and then go to a new level.