The former president of China Merchants Bank to take bribes and abuse their powers to abuse their powers and abuse their powers., Using unintegosed information transactions, insider transactions, and leaking inside information cases, the first instance was sentenced to death.

According to China CCTV News, the first instance of the Changde Intermediate People's Court of Hunan Province was publicly sentenced to the former party committee secretary and president of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd., Utilize uninterrupted information transactions, insider transactions, and leakage inside information cases.

The court sentenced the defendant Tian Huiyu to the death penalty for accepting bribery. It was executed for two years, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all personal financial property;It was sentenced to seven years in prison for using uninterrupted information transactions and fined 300 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 56.21 million);Yuan, decided to execute the death penalty, execute it for two years, deprives political rights for life, and confiscated all the property of individuals.

The court found that from 1997 to 2022, the defendant Tian Huiyu used the vice president of China Cinda Trust Investment Company, a member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Bank of Shanghai, and the China Construction Bank Co., Ltd.The company's deputy secretary and deputy president of the party committee of the company, the secretary of the party committee and president of the Shenzhen Branch of China Construction Bank Co., Ltd., the party secretary and president of the Beijing Branch of China Construction Bank Co., Ltd., the party committee secretary of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.The convenience of presidents and other positions, and the convenient conditions for its power and status, helps relevant units and individuals in terms of loan approval, business contracting, work transfer and other matters, and illegally receiving property is equivalent to a total of more than 210 million yuan.

During the party committee secretary and president of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd., Tian Huiyu, for personal private interests, violated regulations, abuse of power, interfered with the normal business decision -making activities of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd., causing national interests to suffer from national interestsEspecially major losses.

Tian Huiyu used uninteresting information other than the insider information obtained by his job to violate the regulations to engage in securities trading activities related to the above information, and illegally made more than 290 million yuan.

Tian Huiyu, as a insider information person at the securities, has bought the securities or leaked relevant information before the relevant information has not been made public.

The Changde Municipal Intermediate People's Court believes that the defendant Tian Huiyu's behavior has constituted a crime of bribery, the crime of abuse of power of state -owned company personnel, the crime of using uninterrupted information transactions, insider trading, and leakage inside information.Tian Huiyu's bribes were particularly huge, the circumstances of the crime were particularly serious, and the social impact was particularly bad. It caused particularly significant losses to the interests of the country and the people.

The court believes that as a state -owned company, Tian Huiyu's private fraud abuses his powers, which has caused particularly major losses to the national interests. The use of uninvited information transactions is particularly serious.It should be punished according to law.In view of the fact that most of the facts and insider transactions that have not mastered the case handling organs after the case, the facts of the inside information, the inside story transaction and the leakage of inside information constitute the crime.The case has a legal, declined, and reduced punishment plot, and sentenced to death for bribery. It may not be executed immediately.The crime of transaction and leakage information can be reduced.The court made the above judgment.

Public information shows that the 57 -year -old Tian Huiyu has been working in the banking system for a long time.In May 2013, 47 -year -old Tian Huiyu served as the secretary of China Merchants Bank's party committee, and later served as a president. In the past nine years, it has made China Merchants Bank the king of Chinese retail banks.

On April 18, 2022, China Merchants Bank announced that the board of directors agreed to avoid Tian Huiyu's president and chairman's position, saying "other use".Only four days later, official notification Tian Huiyu was investigated .On October 8 of the same year, "16 days later, Tian Huiyu officially announced that he was arrested, and in November last year, he was accused of more than 210 million yuan in bribes.He confessed to the court, and the court chose to sentence the day.