Yingshan County, Hubei Province, officially reported the death of the former president of Yicun Bank, stating that it died of carbon monoxide poisoning and excluded criminal cases.

According to the report on Wednesday (December 20), the Propaganda Department of the Yingshan County Party Committee of Hubei, the Hot Spring Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Yingshan County received an alarm from the masses at 19:30 on December 5th, saying thatThe man died in the car.The police station of the hot spring police station and the county's criminal investigation brigade arrived at the scene for the first time.

The Propaganda Department of the Yingshan County Party Committee stated that it involved Wang Mouyong's personal debt relationship. The Public Security Bureau of Yingshan County and the Yangtze River Village Bank of Hubei were under investigation, and the relevant situation was subsequently released.At present, Yingshan Changjiang Village Bank and branches are operating normally.

Earlier, netizens posted videos on social media platforms that Wang Mouyong, president of Yingshan Changjiang Village Bank, Huanggang City, Hubei Province, committed suicide in a deserted countryside.Wang Mouyong committed suicide after the exposure of more than 40 million yuan (RMB, about S $ 7.61 million) due to fraud and transfer funds.

Public information shows that in August 2018, the former Huanggang Banking Regulatory Bureau approved Wang Mouyong to qualify for the president of the Yangtze River Village Bank of Yingshan, Hubei.Prior to this, Wang Mouyong served as the vice president of the bank.

According to the enterprise checking app, the Hubei Yingshan Changjiang Village Bank Co., Ltd. was established on June 10, 2014. Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. became the bank's major with a shareholding ratio of 51%.Shareholders, Wang Mouyong's position as manager and director.The records of industrial and commercial information show that Wang Mouong became the general manager of the bank on September 3, 2020, and on May 19, 2023, it became a director of the bank.