中国商务部部长王文涛星期三(11月1日) Seeing the president and CEO of Micron Technology Company, the largest memory chip manufacturer in the United States, Sangjie Mehlotra, president and CEO of the United States, said that China has unswervingly promoting high -level opening to the outside world, continuously optimizing foreign investment environment, providing service guarantee for foreign enterprises with service guaranteesEssence

According to a press release issued by the website of the Ministry of Commerce of China on Friday (November 3), Wang Wentao said that Meiguang Technology is welcome to continue to take root and cultivate the Chinese market, and to achieve better development on the premise of complying with Chinese laws and regulationsEssence

Sanjie Mechrotra introduced the business development of Micron Technology Company and expressed the willingness to continue to expand investment in China.

China official announced in March this year to implement a network security review of the products sold by Meiguo in China. The results of the results said that the review found that Micron caused a major security risk on the supply chain of key information infrastructure in China, affecting China in China, and affecting China.National Security.

The Cyber ​​Security Examination Office made a conclusion that it did not pass the network security censorship at that time, and requested that operators in China's domestic key information infrastructure should stop purchasing Meiguang products.

Micron's document in June this year shows that the company's sales from Chinese customers may be affected by the above ban.

However, when Micron was facing China's network security review, the company announced earlier last month that it will participate in the China International Import Expo held in Shanghai this Sunday.This is the first time that Micron has participated in the event since the self -enrollment.