On November 2nd, the body of former Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang was cremated in Beijing, and the upper and lower half flags of Tiananmen Square sorrowed.Li Keqiang had a heart attack in Shanghai on October 26. He died in the early morning of the 27th. On the 27th, his body was escorted from Shanghai to Beijing.

His sudden death caused the Chinese folk to remember the wave. From Henan he worked to Anhui in his hometown, the public spontaneously contributed to the hills, which was different from the public's response to the death of the former Prime Minister Li Peng.

An Anhui entrepreneur emotioned that Li Keqiang was sincere and pragmatic, and he was very friendly to the entrepreneur. He learned that his death was painful.

Looking back at Li Keqiang's two prime minister's term, the data is undoubtedly brilliant mdash; MDASH; in the past ten years, China's GDP increased from 53 trillion yuan to 121 trillion yuan, an average of 6.2%.It has also increased from 540 million to 1.36 billion; the reform of simplified administration and decentralization has reduced government administrative approval matters to one -third.

Some analysts also mentioned that his unfinished reform MDASH; MDASH; since the beginning of his office, he has focused on deleveraging.VAT, re -use real estate tax as the main source of local government taxes, local governments still failed to get rid of land finances, and debt issues were suspended.

However, the prime ministers of different times face different national conditions and undertake different tasks.After Zhu Rongji took office in the 1990s, it implemented a tax division system, exchange rate reform, joining the WTO, cancellation of welfare housing, and reform of state -owned enterprises.Power and direction, began to move forward.

The ten years of Wen Jiabao were known as China ’s strategic opportunity period. After the United States 9middot; after 11, it took attention to the Middle East, while China drove along the reform track of the Zhu era.

By the time Li Keqiang took office, the accumulation of disadvantages began to emerge, offset the previous reform dividends. At the same time, in order to cope with the financial tsunami, China launched a 4 trillion plan. The side effects began to appear and were described as drinking thirst.The problem is in front of MDash; MDASH; how to replace components, and even repair the engine for a train that is driving at a high speed without letting it fall?

The bigger problem appeared in Li Keqiang’s second term. The Sino -US trade war, scientific and technological warfare, and the new crown epidemic broke out. This train had to be reduced. The Chinese economy had to stop.The original intention of leverage, and appropriately increase leverage.This level of tests have not been encountered by the previous governments.

In this context, it is necessary to go back to the heritage left by Li Keqiang's ten -year governance, especially the Chinese Prime Minister, who was born in the first doctorate, left for this country in the economic field?

In Zhengzhou, Henan Provincial Congress, commemorate Li Keqiang's crowd and flowers.

Breaking the wall: If the old method is used, there may be no today's WeChat

As a cultural code, as a cultural code, it appeared in the three most well -known science fiction novels in China in recent years, referring to solving the real thoughts of people's inner heart.After Li Keqiang's death, Li Keqiang, an old text, was reposted widely to commemorate the former Prime Minister.

In fact, Li Keqiang's break is not the barriers of ideology, nor the barriers of policy, but the barriers of concept.

For example, when Li Keqiang was in Henan in the 1990s, this large agricultural province was harvested for many years, but he could not be rich.He proposed that farmers must reduce farmers if they want to be rich.

As soon as this statement came out, the controversy was very arrogant. The youngest governor of China, who was at that time at that time, also explained the logic MDash behind the logic; mdash; alone to plant grain, it is impossible to make so many people wealthy., Modernization, make more farmers become workers, use the advantages of wheat provinces to develop deep processing of food and create higher value, so that the whole province can become rich.

Even after Li Keqiang left office, Henan has been developing along this road. To this day, Henan has manufactured half of the ham sausage in China and 70 % of quick -frozen water.Dumplings, 60 % frozen dumplings.

After becoming the Prime Minister, two industries have risen rapidly in the past ten years, express delivery and Internet.

At the beginning of the development of private express delivery enterprises, it was considered to affect the appearance of the city and seized postal resources.After many years, Li Keqiang recalled that for many sounds that required courier, he still decided not to die as soon as he came up, but should be tolerant and prudent.

Postal posts have always been a state -owned field. After the rise of the online shopping industry, China's express delivery industry has developed rapidly. Under full competition, efficiency is almost the best in the world. In such a huge country, at a very low price (often less than $ 2), Achieve the next day.

Another example is WeChat. This chat tool called super application software by Musk has become one of the signs of China's mobile Internet development.At a executive meeting of the State Council in 2017, Li Keqiang also recalled that when WeChat just appeared a few years ago, the relevant parties did not agree with a loud voice. We still held this sound and decided to take a look at it first.If you use the old methods to manage, there may be no WeChat today.

As a wall -breaking person, Li Keqiang is also good at piercing the fog with data.

A flowing out of the US diplomatic archives recorded that when Li Keqiang was in charge of Liaoning, he had to the then American ambassador to China, Clark Middot; Clark T. Randt Jr. said that GDP as an indicator of observation economy is not reliable, heIt is used to use the three indicators of power consumption, railway freight volume, and bank loan distribution to check the economy.

In 2010, the economist believed that these three indicators were more reliable than GDP and named them as the Keqiang Index. After the three indicators accounted for the proportion of the three indicators, they were officially used as a research basis.

Another example was at a press conference in May 2020. Li Keqiang said that (China) 600 million low -income and below people, their average monthly income was about 1,000 yuan.

This number is not in the statistical report, and it is shocking from the prime minister's mouth. For the flourishing world's second largest economy, public opinion has been immersed in the atmosphere of the rise of a large country.As China's poverty alleviation project was promoted in full swing, Li Keqiang used this set of data to reveal the other side of people's livelihood.

Li Keqiang does not pay much attention to GDP, but attaches great importance to employment.Integrating employment has become his common words.

In his ten -year prime minister's career, Li Keqiang has repeatedly discussed the relationship between employment and growth.

In a speech in November 2013, Li Keqiang said that paying attention to GDP actually pays attention to employment.In the past, GDP increased 1 million people for employment every 1 percentage point. In recent years, the industrial structure has been adjusted. Especially after the development of the service industry, the current GDP has increased by 1 percentage point, which can drive 1.3 million or even 1.5 million people to employment.After repeated estimates, it is considered to ensure that the new employment is 10 million people, which requires 7.2%of economic growth.

He said at the time: The reason why it is to grow steadily is to protect employment in the final analysis.This sentence was repeatedly cited in the government and the economy in the following ten years.

Ten years have passed, and China's current employment is more pressured. However, with the optimization of the economic structure, each GDP increases by 1 percentage point, and the new employment of the driving has exceeded 2 million.

In Li Keqiang's last government work report in March this year, he still did not forget to mention the risk of preventing him very much.

He said: The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China takes the main expectations of the year as an organic whole to grasp it, strengthen interval regulation, directional regulation, camera regulation (pre -adjustment and fine -tuning), and precise regulation.; Overdraw the future.

Back in 2014, when he made the first government work report, he also said similar words mdash; mdash; For this situation, we insist on implementing positive fiscal policies and stable monetary policies.Redness, not exceeding currency.

During ten years, Li Keqiang emphasized that he would stimulate the economy, and he would not mention big water irrigation.In this way, it is precisely because the large water drilling and overdraft have occurred in the future mdash; mdash;

After the subprime crisis in 2008, Yu Bo of the financial tsunami across the Pacific Ocean rushed to the coast of China. In November of that year, China's import and export data suddenly jumped off the cliff, and the export growth rate dropped from 19.2%last month to -2.2%.15.7%last month dropped to -17.9%.

At that time, the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said that the financial crisis was rare in history and must do everything possible to prevent the financial crisis from affecting the development of the real economy.

A few days later, China announced a positive fiscal policy and a moderate loose monetary policy, and launched a four trillion -level economic stimulus plan.A large amount of money is injected into the economy, and infrastructure frenzy has become the main force of the bottom economy.Beginning at the end of 2008, the China Development and Reform Commission suddenly relaxed the approval conditions and agreed to the subway planning of 28 cities, with an investment of more than 1 trillion yuan.In fact, 45%of 45%of 45%of 45%of the roads, railways, airports and urban and rural power grids.

But soon, the stimulus plan was regarded as drinking thirst, pushing up the risk of debt, and blowing the real estate bubble.Wu Jinglian, a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council of China, said afterwards that not only did it not reduce leverage, but on the contrary, it had further leverage. Once there was wind and grass, the local capital chain was transmitted to other parts of the financial market, causing a systemic crisis.

The long water irrigation in the early stage overdraft the future of the Li Keqiang era.

Since then, China has to withstand the pain caused by de -capacity, destocking, and deleveraging.This also almost defines Li Keqiang's main political thinking MDASH; MDASH; in June 2013, Barclays Capital proposed the concept of Keqiang economics, which contains three main constituent parts, and is also interpreted as Keqiang Economics from the Economics of Economics.Three pillars: First, the government does not launch a stimulus policy, but has gradually reduced the country's dominant investment behavior; 2. deleveraging to significantly reduce debt and reduce borrowing and output ratio; promote economic structure reform, exchange short pain in exchange for short pain for exchange in exchange for short pain for exchange in exchange for short pain for exchange in exchange for short pain for exchange in exchange for short pain for exchange in exchange for short pain in exchange for short pain in exchange for short pain in exchange for short pain for exchange in exchange for short pain for exchange in exchange for short pain in exchange for short pain in exchangeLong -term sustainable development.

These three points are almost related to the side effects of 4 trillion digestion.

Li Keqiang's era mission is different. Zhu Rongji is painted on white paper, established rules to establish a overall framework for the Chinese economy.Li Keqiang's task is to prevent this train from being derailed, a personnel who lives in the United States said.Overall, Li Keqiang completed the task of the times. Even if he encountered the confrontation between China and the United States and the new crown pneumonia. Although this century -level challenge, the Chinese economy has fallen, but it has not collapsed.However, there are also unsatisfactory places, because the risk of derailment has not been lifted and still exists.

In the Zhu Rongji's era, this system was particularly obvious. In all aspects of economic reform, from state -owned enterprise reform to real estate reform to joining the WTO, they all made clear QUOT; Prime Minister Quot;

In the era of Deng Xiaoping, Wang Qishan specially corrected the division of labor of the party and government at the time of the two sessions in 2017.

But even so, the importance of Chinese Prime Minister is still stronger than the false prime minister of some countries, such as French Prime Minister and Russian Prime Minister.

During an interview during an interview during his lifetime, well -known scholar Fu Gaoyi said that Zhu Rongji was able to reform a lot, and was inseparable from Jiang Zemin's trust in him. They cooperated well.Still CEO, playing the role of the executor.

The above -mentioned think tank sources commented that Li Keqiang made a lot of practical reforms. He performed his tasks well. As for many people criticized him without more revolutionary buildings, I think this is unfair.That's not his task and responsibility.

Li Keqiang's death suddenly, we didn't find itHis self -evaluation of his ruling career.The closest expression is twice:

At a press conference last year, Li Keqiang said that since the current government, the international situation has changed complicated, and domestic contradictions and difficulties overlay.When it comes to the biggest challenge, the new crown epidemic and the serious impact on the economy.We do not want to be easy, do not have refuge, do not avoid danger, we do our best.

The other time was when Li Keqiang stepped down this year. When he bid farewell to all staff members of the General Office of the State Council, he said that now in the north, it is still winter, but today the sun is bright, such as Mu Chunguang. People often say that people are doing it.It seems that the sky has eyes. Our comrades of our State Office have worked hard and solid in recent years. They have made special dedication and should be rewarded for you.