The Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao met with the president of Micron Technology, who had previously accused of hidden safety hazards, and said that Micron was welcome to continue to take root and cultivate the Chinese market.

Scholars of interviewees believe that the meeting shows that China ’s release of openness and cooperation signals is not ready to expand safety issues in principle without principle, creating a good atmosphere for the Sino -US dollar meeting next month.

The website of the Ministry of Commerce website released on Friday (November 3), and Wang Wentao met with the president and CEO Sanjay Mehrotra in the Ministry of Commerce on Wednesday (November 1).

Wang Wentao said that China has unswervingly promoting high -level opening to the outside world, continuously optimizing foreign investment environment, and providing service guarantees for foreign -funded enterprises.He expressed his welcoming Micron Technology Company to continue to take root and cultivate the Chinese market, and achieve better development on the premise of complying with Chinese laws and regulations.

According to a press release issued by Micron on Friday, Mechrotra said in the meeting that he will continue to strengthen close cooperation with all walks of life, including communities, universities, industrial enterprises and Chinese governments.The two sides also discussed the 4.3 billion yuan (S $ 800 million) capital increase plan in the Xi'an plant.

China's official May announced that Micron's products have not passed the network security censorship, and the key information infrastructure industries are prohibited from purchasing Micron's storage chips in the key information infrastructure industry.The US Department of Commerce objected to this.

Zhu Feng, the executive dean of the International Relations of Nanjing University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that China and the United States have different interests and practical methods in network security, but they still need to maintain compliant cooperation and exchanges within the policy and legal framework."The meeting showed that China still maintains a welcome and open attitude towards foreign -funded enterprises, and will not expand the safety issues without principles."

Zhu Feng said that China has taken the initiative to take action on the bilateral relations of excessive politicalization and security damage of science and technology, business, and expect the United States to continue to follow up.

Scholars: China and the United States gradually become clear about how to maintain "competition"

Since June this year, high -level interaction between China and the United States has increased.The White House in the United States announced on Tuesday (October 31) that the heads of state of the two countries will hold talks in San Francisco in mid -November.

China and the United States cooperate in the field of economy and trade.In addition to Micron's first participation in the China International Import Expo held on Sunday (November 5) in Shanghai, officials and 17 US agricultural products companies will also participate in the expo.According to, the United States Ambassador to China Burns on Thursday (November 2) said that since 2016, the United States has not yet had such a large -scale and so high agricultural delegation visited China.

But at the same time, the United States did not relax the export restrictions on Chinese chips. Last month, it also announced the expansion of export ban on chips and manufacturing chip equipment.Wang Jiangyu, a professor at the School of Law School of Hong Kong University, analyzed in an analysis that China and the United States have entered a clearer stage for how to maintain competition and have cooperation at the same time."The bottom line of China and the United States is very clear. For example, the United States has a strict preservation of high -tech semiconductor, and the Chinese issue in Taiwan has a certain consensus. Outside these fields, cooperation can be strengthened."

In this context, Wang Jiangyu added that high -level exchanges can reduce competition to more fields.