(Milwaukee / Washington Composite Electric) The US government believes that the Chinese economy is still controllable, and US Treasury Secretary Yellen pointed out that at this stage, she has not seen the Chinese economy has a huge spillover effect on the US economy.

Yellen on Friday (January 26) when he visited Milwaukee's employment center, he revealed to reporters that officials who recently visited Beijing's financial ministry obtained the guarantee of China. Although the Chinese financial and real estate markets were turbulent, the banks "performed well."

She pointed out that the Sino -US economic work team will meet in Beijing soon and discuss a large scale of China's economic situation.

Yellen said that this working group held a meeting last week. Officials of the US Treasury officials paid attention to the debt issues in the field of Chinese governments and real estate, and expressed their attention to the pressure of finance and banking."They are guaranteed that Chinese banks perform well."

When asking whether China's economic turmoil will affect the US economy, Yellen replied that this situation may occur."If the growth of Asian countries with important trading partners (USA) slows down, we may see some overflowing effects. But (at this stage) I don't think the impact will be great."

The analysis of the Sino -US economic performance pointed out that the name of the United States' GDP in 2023 (GDP) increased by 6.3 % in the nominal name that was adjusted by inflation, exceeding 4.6 % of China.In the past year, the United States has performed better than China in terms of finance and stock markets. These analysts have surprised analysts and also believe that China should not surpass the United States in the future.

In addition, the White House economic adviser Brened said on Friday that the United States may be affected by the slowdown of China's economic slowdown and the interruption of the Red Sea, but these risks seem to be controlled and emphasized that the US economy is strong.

Brened told reporters that the United States is following the assessment of the potential economic impact of Hassas armed forces on the Red Sea on the Red Sea on the potential economy of the United States.It is less affected.

She also said that although China's recovery is not too strong, the US economy is more diversified, and its exposure to China will not be greater than that of the neighboring countries in China and those economies that are closely related to Beijing.

For the US economy, Braunard believes that the prospect is optimistic.She said that the inflation rate is stabilizing at 2 %. Recent consumer confidence and expenditure data show that Americans have confidence in their financial conditions, and the rise in consumer goods prices has slowed down.Therefore, the White House is expected to continue to improve consumer confidence, and the number of strong employment will promote economic growth.

According to the economic data released by the US official on the 25th, the actual growth of the United States in the second half of last year, that is, the actual growth of inflation in the third and fourth quarters was 4.9 % and 3.3 %, respectively. The market's concerns about the decline gradually faded.

But Brened pointed out that some important issues still exist, including housing burden and medical expenses.