(Washington Composite Electric) Kimpering revealed that former US President Trump's friends and allies suggested that he choose women or blacks as deputy, and recommends him for the opportunity for women and black men to improve the chance of winning.

One of Trump's allies said that choosing women or blacks will be beneficial to Trump's election as a campaign partner, which can increase his status in these two groups and attract more gentle voters.Trump has been soliciting opinions and has not made the final decision.

Former officials who worked as a White House during Trump's ruling period revealed that Trump tended to choose women as deputy hands, and he was listed as a priority candidate, including Nanda Governor Kristi Noem and New York State Councilor Steknik.(Elise Stefanik).Both of them helped him vote at Trump's several elections this month.

A donor who has a close relationship with Trump said that the Trump camp seemed to exclude Trump's opponent and former governor of South Carolina as the deputy.

Recently, Heili has increased his attack on Trump, criticizing his high age and insufficient spiritual acuity, and annoyed some members of Trump's allies and Trump camps.Heili has ruled out the possibility of Trump's deputy on the 19th of this month. Trump also stated on the same day that she may not choose her as a campaign partner.

In addition, sources disclosed that the Super Political Action Commission who supported Hei Li raised $ 50.1 million (about S $ 67.18 million) in the second half of 2023, and Bittan's fundraising in the same period was about 5 million US dollars.Donors are mainly Wall Street investors and corporate executives, and they want to prevent Trump from returning to the White House.

But at the same time, two main donors stopped donating to He Li, thinking that Trump was actually a Republican presidential candidate.