(Bloomberg, Washington) The GDP of US domestic product (GDP) increased by 6.3%without the name adjustment last year, exceeding 4.6%of China.Bloomberg analyzed that this shows that the United States has further left China in the global economic hegemony with China.

Analysis said that although the US economic performance is excellent to a certain extent, the price of US prices has risen, but the data in 2023 highlights a greater point, that is, the performance of the US economy during the period of getting rid of the crown disease is better than China than China.Essence

In terms of stock market performance, the US stock market reached a new high on Monday (January 22), but the Chinese stock market has fallen into a bear market with more than $ 6 trillion (about 8.04 trillion yuan).

Reports say that the current situation is not imagined.At the beginning of last year, the Federal Reserve In order to deal with high interest rates in response to high inflation. It is generally believed that the United States will fall into economic recession, and China will quickly move to normal to lift epidemic prevention. At that time, the market was expected to usher in a strong growth of the post -epidemic era.

The GDP data released on Thursday (25th) shows that the US economy has achieved exceeding expected growth. The actual growth of the actual growth of inflation in the third and fourth quarters of last year was 4.9 % and 3.3 %, respectively.The setting of 2 % of the target fell, and the market's concerns about the decline gradually faded.

The former head of the Chinese Ministry of Monetary Fund (IMF), Professor of Cornell University, said: "This is a shocking reversal, a strong manifestation of the American economy, and all the short -term facing China's economy.With long -term resistance, all this will make China GDP one day surpass the US statement, and it will no longer become so logical. "

It is reported that China is undergoing a real estate bubble and the longest deflation in about 25 years.The exit of an important pillar of economic growth fell in 2023. The unemployment rate of young people soared, and local government debt was exhausted.Although Chinese official data showed that China's economy increased by 5.2 % last year and achieved annual growth goals, some people suspect that the fact is not the case.

IMF former consultant and director of the Geopoietic Center of the American Think Tank Atlantic Council said that the crown disease epidemic covers many deep -level structural weaknesses in China. These weaknesses will last until 2030. As a result, it will depend on China's reform.ability.He also said that no one is discussing that China will become the world's largest economy.

However, the US economic performance exceeds market expectations, not a matter of nailing on board, but also depends on the next operation of the Fed.At present, there are still risk of economic recession due to the long -term tightening of the policy for the Federal Reserve.