Former US President Trump won the Second President of the Republican President in New Hampshire on Tuesday (January 23), which made him almost sure that he would win the Nomination of the Republican Party.But his only opponent and former governor of South Carolina, Heili, claimed that the competition was far from over. "

The mainstream media in the United States announced that Trump wins soon after the voting of the Republican primaries of the NSW.Based on the results of 91%of the votes, he received 54.6%of the votes. Heili only obtained 43.2%, and the gap exceeded 11 percentage points.

Heili said that it will continue to fight in dozens of states in the next dozens of states

Heili congratulates Grand Trump's victory, but it shows that he will continue to fight.She told her supporters: "This competition is far from end. There are dozens of states, the next is my sweet South Card Prefecture."

Heili has invested a large number of campaign resources in NSW, which has a lot of gentle and independent voters.Although her performance is better than the Elych selection last week, it is still not enough to persuade Republican voters. She is a better candidate for Bittamu.The political donation network supported by Billionaire Koch will continue to support the Heili campaign, but admits that "this is a hard battle."

Trump's next two cities make him almost confront the Democratic President Biden in the November Presidential election.Although the primaries will not run in a few months, they have regarded each other as real opponents.

Bynden said: "Now it is obvious that Trump will become the nomination of the Republican Party. The information I want to convey to the country is that (the presidential election) bets cannot be higher. Our democracy and personal freedom ——From choice to voting rights, and our economy ... everything is in danger. "

Trump delivered a victory and said he would defeat Biden.He said: "We get support, because what they do is too bad and evil, they are destroying the country."

Scholars: Even if you win the victory in South Carolina, you may refund the election

John Donaldson, an associate professor of Politics of Singapore School of Management University, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that Trump has always been the leader of the Republican Party and got a lot of motivation after the first Eya's first election.The party's opponents, including the governor of Florida, and Lamaswami, the governor of Florida, also supported him.He believes that even if Heili can defeat Trump in NSW, he cannot stop him from winning the Republican nomination.

Heili delivered a speech after losing the new Hampshire primaries, indicating that he will continue to run.She said that if the Republican party nominated Trump for the president, it was equivalent to giving the president's throne to Biden, because Trump was the only candidate that Biden could defeat.(Agence France -Presse)

The South Card Prefecture's preliminary selection was held on February 24.Du Qiang said that Trump's polls in South Carolina's polls are significantly ahead. As former governor of South Carolina, Heili must be there to be there to reverse the situation, but this possibility is very small; even in Nanka PrefectureWinning, he believes that Heili may also be refunded later.

He said: "Trump has proved that there is no scandal that will be enough to destroy his campaign, or shake his loyal supporters. People generally believe that as long as Trump has a sigh of relief, he will become the Republican PartyNominated, even if he faced the criminal trial he was facing, he was sentenced to crime. "

Huang Haitao, an associate professor at the School of Government Management of Nankai University, also believes that the probability of Heili's more conservative South Carolina is very small, which will almost declare that she completely withdraws from the campaign.He told Lianhe Morning Post: "Losing the primary election in a relatively gentle state is an important signal, which means that her mild Republican" Anti -Trump Alliance "fighting power of the gentle Republican" Anti -Trump Alliance "has lost to Trump's firm supporters ... 黒The traditions represented by Li even the influence of the Republican elite in the party, which is obviously allowed to be located in a more religious, racial and populous Republican basic disk. "

However, Huang Haitao pointed out that Trump's advantage in NSW is not as good as early in 2016. The victory will not make him and his campaign team really relax, and there are still ten months from now to the election to the election for ten months.Including various emergencies such as Trump's lawsuits may change the election layout.

NSW is still regarded as a swing state but recently biased to the Democratic Party

NSW also held a primary election of the Democratic Party that was not recognized by the National Committee of the Democratic Party on Tuesday. Although Biden's name was not on the votes, he still won.

The National Committee of the Democratic Party arranged the first primary election in South Carolina (February 3) this year, but NSW, which had always been selected, refused to change the order, and Biden did not sign up to participate in the local primaries.However, supporters still initiated a voting activity of Biden named Biden for his voting.After calculating about 68%of the votes, Biden's votes were as high as 66.8%, far exceeding the 20%of the Representative Philips and 4%of the best -selling writer Williamson.

Du Qiang pointed out that although NSW's preliminary election is not recognized by the Democratic Party, Bayeng's victory is still important significance."As long as his body is still healthy, Biden will definitely be the nomination of the Democratic Party. NSW is still regarded as a swing state, but recently it is more preferred to the Democratic Party./P>

Huang Haitao also said that Biden has won the preliminary election of NSW by virtue of the voter "Write-in", indicating that he has still occupied an absolute favorable position in the party so far.He pointed out: "Although many people are worried about Biden's age and physical condition, as long as Bayeng himself is not loose, it is difficult to have an effective challenge to serve as president."