According to CCTV News, on January 15, local time, the Nauro government announced the disconnection of the so -called "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan.

Nauru government issued a statement on a Facebook on a social platform, announcing a recognition of a Chinese principle, and emphasizing that this is in line with the greatest interests of the people of Nauru.

The foreign affairs department of the Taiwan authorities confirmed on the afternoon of the 15th that Nauru had a "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said when he announced that he would "break his diplomatic relations" with Taiwan with Taiwan and the resumption of attracting reporters in Taiwan that Nauru as an independent country of sovereignty and announced that he acknowledged a China principle.The Taiwan authorities have disconnected the so -called "diplomatic relations" and are willing to restore diplomatic relations with China. China has expressed their appreciation and welcome to the Nauro government.

There is only one China in the world. Taiwan is an indispensable part of the Chinese territory. The government of the People's Republic of China is the only legal government representing China.This has been confirmed by the UN General Assembly 2758 resolution and is a common consensus of the international community.On the basis of a China principle, China has established diplomatic relations with 182 countries around the world.The Nauro government decided to resume diplomatic relations with China, and it fully explained that a Chinese principle is the direction of people's hearts and the general trend.

China is willing to open a new chapter in relations between the two countries on the basis of a China principle.

According to the China Consular Service Network, the Republic of Nauru is an island country located in the Mikonisia Islands in the South Pacific. The land area is 21.1 square kilometers and the ocean -exclusive economic zone is 320,000 square kilometers.

Nauru is located about 42 kilometers south of the Central Pacific and Equices. It consists of an independent coral reef island. The island is 6 kilometers long, 4 kilometers wide, about 30 kilometers long coastline, and the highest point is 61 meters above sea level.The island 3/5 was covered by phosphate.It is a tropical rain forest climate. The average annual temperature is 24 ° C to 38 ° C, and the average annual precipitation is 1500 mm.

Nauru people live on the island.In 1798, the British ship "Hunter" first arrived in Nauru.In 1888, he was incorporated into the Protective Land of the Marshl Islands in Germany.In the early 20th century, the British were allowed to mine phosphate here.In 1920, the International Alliance scratched Nauru to the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, and was exercised its powers on behalf of the Three Kingdoms.From 1942 to 1945, Nauru was occupied by the Japanese.In 1947, Nauru became the UN custodian place, and was still managed by Australia, New and Britain.On January 31, 1968, Nauru was independent.

In 2018, Nauru's population was about 12,700, 58%was Nauru, and Michenesia, the rest of the people, Chinese, the Philippines and Europeans of other Pacific islands.There are also about 2000 Nauro people live in Australia.English is an official language, GM.

Nauru does not have the capital.The Administrative Management Center is in Aaron.Nauru has no army and is assisted by Australia.There are about 100 policemen.

Nauru's economy mainly relies on phosphate exports, issuing fishing permits and export tropical fruits, which seriously rely on foreign aid and debt.In 2020, the GDP of Nauru was US $ 110 million, and the per capita GDP was 8,870 US dollars.Nauru has no domestic currency, GM Australian dollar.Australia is the largest assistance country in Nauru and set up a refugee screening center in Nauru. In recent years, it provides a assistance of about $ 27 million to Naisa in recent years.