North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said that North Korea should modify the constitution, North Korea should modify the constitution, and North Korea should modify the constitution.South Korea is completely defined as a foreign and number one hostile country.

Reuters quoted the North Korean Society on Tuesday (January 16) that Kim Jong -un said at the 10th session of the 14th Supreme People's Conference on Monday (15th) that his final conclusion was that he was no longer no longerIt may be unified with South Korea and accused Seoul for seeking overthrowing the North Korean government and achieving unity by buying the north.

Kim Jong -un said: "Although we do not seek war, we will not avoid war."

He said that at this stage, he should delete the "northern half" in the constitution.Words such as peace and unity, national unity ".It should be amended for this and reviewed at the next Supreme People's Conference.

Kim Jong -un also said that, as a symbol of the North -South exchange and cooperation symbol, the DPRK section should be completely cut off to an inseparable level to completely separate all contact conditions between the border areas of the South Korean and North Korean border, and divide it into divideStrict implementation.

The North Korean Society said that the three organizations that handle unified and North Korea and South Korea will be closed.

North Korea announced on Monday that the North Korean Missile General Administration Sunday (14th) in the afternoon Successful test shooting A long -range ballistic missile (IRBM) using new solid fuel.Experts are worried that if this news is true, North Korean missile technology has reached the level of failure to invalidate the Korean -American and Japanese missile defense system.