On Tuesday (October 17) of the US House of Representatives (October 17)election.Jordan, a right -wing conservative member of the Republican Party nominated before, failed to get enough votes in the first round of voting.

Xinhua News Agency reported that during the vote on Tuesday afternoon, Jordan, chairman of the House of Representatives Jordan, received 200 of the 220 Republicans present, and the remaining 20 voted to the majority party leader SkaLis, former Speaker McCarthy and others reflect the severe division of the Republican Party.212 Democrats were present to vote to the minority leader of the House of Representatives Jeffris.No one obtains more than half of the votes required to be elected.

After the first round of voting, McChunghi, the Interim Speaker of the House of Representatives, announced the House of Representatives.According to the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), the next round of voting will be held on Wednesday (18th).Jordan is a loyal ally of the former US President Trump. Trump recently expressed support for Jordan as the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

After the mid -term elections in the United States last year, Republicans occupied 221 seats in the House of Representatives, only nine more than the Democratic Party.Once there are several Republicans "inverted", candidates in the party's speaker cannot get enough votes to be elected.In January of this year, after the party's fierce disputes reached the exchange of interests, McCarthy experienced 15 rounds of voting before he was elected as the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

On October 3, the House of Representatives voted a resolution to replace the Speaker. McCarthy became the first speaker in the House of Representatives in the history of American history.Dou "pushed to a climax.On the 11th, Republicans of the House of Representatives conducted the first voting of the candidate for the Candidate of the Speaker of the House, and Jordan lost to Scarlis with 14 votes.However, after a day of "voting", Skalis did not get enough intra -party support, and announced the withdrawal of the Speaker for campaign on the 12th.On the 13th, Republicans of the House of Representatives voted within the party again and nominated Jordan as a candidate for the party's speaker.

Before the next speaker is officially selected, the House of Representatives will not be able to promote the legislative agenda.Members need to pass the federal government funding bill before mid -November to prevent the government from "stopping" again.

The President of the House of Representatives in the United States is the second heir of the president position after the vice president.