(Washington / Jerusalem Comprehensive) U.S. President Bynden visited Israel under political and security risks to show its firm support for Israel, and at the same time discussed the next step in the situation in the situation in Gaza.At the time of Biden, Israel agreed to formulate a plan to transport humanitarian assistance materials to Gaza.

Bynden arrived at Tel Aviv on Wednesday (October 18) and held talks with key members of Israel Prime Minister Neitahu.After that, he will go to the capital of Jordan to meet King Abdullah II of Jordan, Egyptian President Cecil and Palestine President Abbas.

U.S. Secretary of State Brills on Monday (16th) talks with the Cabinet of Israel in Tel Aviv during Tellaviv.He said that after Biden's arrival, it would show that "Israel has the right and responsibilities to defend the people and the people are not attacked by Hamas and other terrorists."

Brinken said that Biden would also emphasize the signal of "crystal -like crystal" in the United States, that is, no participants, national or non -national organizations must try to use this crisis to attack Israel.To this end, the United States has dispatched two aircraft carriers and other military resources to the area.

Israel will also report to Biden's war goals and strategies, as well as how they will act as much as possible without hurting civilians, and at the same time make humanity assistance to the hands of Gaza civilians.In this regard, Brinken revealed that under the request of the United States, Israel has agreed to formulate plans with the United States to allow the humanitarian rescue supplies of the donor and multilateral organizations to be delivered to the Gaza civilians.

This is the second time to visit the theater after visiting Ukraine in February.

Reuters' report analysis, Biden meets with Israeli officials face -to -face, can directly express his concerns about Israel to open Gaza, and may discuss the insurmountable red line.The Atlantic Council researcher, who was once an American security official, said: "Bayeng must look directly at Neyahu's eyes to ensure that he understands that the United States' global reputation is in danger.The protracted conflict. "

Strategic and International Research Center Altman also believes that Biden visited Israel to allow other officials to "feel the United States with them and understand their anger and pain" so that they can effectively affect Israel.

On the eve of Bayeng's visit, Curon, Commander of the Central Command of the United States, also suddenly visited Israel.He said he hoped to ensure that the Israeli army had the resources required by self -defense, while avoiding other parties from expanding the conflict.

The United States has announced the deployment of two aircraft carrier battle groups to the East Mediterranean, and ordered 2,000 U.S. military to enter the "preparation deployment" state.

Israel will not postpone the offensive against Gaza

A spokesman for the Israeli National Defense Force said that Israel's any offensive for the Gaza Strip will not be postponed or affected by Biden's visit.

When the Israeli ambassador to the United States, Herzog, was interviewed by Bloomberg, he refused to respond to when the army would launch an ground offensive, but it showed that Israel did not seek to re -occupy Gasha.He only said: "This is the war imposed to us. In addition to defeating Hamas, Israel is strategically unprecedented, because if we do not do so, we will lead to Hamas, its allies, and their supporters in Tehran.Further and more serious aggression. "

Hamenei, the highest spiritual leader of Iran, called on Israel on Tuesday to immediately stop making "racial extinction" of the Palestinians of the Gasha Strip, and warned that if Israel continued to bomb Gasha, the "resistance power" would be sharp.

Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyang also warned that the "resistance line" may soon take the initiative to Israel.He said: "The leaders of the resistance line will not allow the Jewish regime to take any action in Gaza ... The resistance line can fight against the enemy for a long time."

The so -called "resistance lines" include Iran, Palestinian armed organizations, Syria, Lebanon Albon and other factions.

However, the White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe said on Tuesday that the United States did not see that Iran was preparing to further intervene in the conflict of Harbin.