(Hong Kong News) Sources said that Australian officials conducted three internal investigations in the past eight years to determine whether the Australian government could fully get rid of the dependence on the supply chain of China, and found that this was an "impossible task."

The South China Morning Post on Thursday (October 5) quoted two people familiar with the matter. The Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance jointly conducted two of them in 2015 and 2020 respectively.Other options in the export market. "

Sources said: "Official research has clearly stated that Australia cannot get rid of China to achieve diversified trade ... Turning diversified goals to Southeast Asia is actually connected with China."

The independent reports of the unanimous party's unanimous conclusions have also become the reason for the Australian government to restart bilateral trade with China last year.Another source also said that senior Australian government has realized that it is not feasible to get rid of China.

Australian Prime Minister strives to improve Sino -Australian relations after taking office

When the diplomatic relations between Australia and China in 2020 are at a low point, China's unofficial ban and tariffs on some Australian products.After the government led by Australian Prime Minister Albanis, after taking office last year, he worked hard to improve the relations between China and Australia.

Olson, chairman of the Australian and Central Chamber of Commerce, said The government released last month. In 2040, the Australian Southeast Asian economic strategy emphasizes the huge market potential of this area, but it takes time to fully achieve this goal."Many exporters spend decades in order to enter the Chinese market to establish relations, networks, and understanding local laws and culture ... and Australian companies' participation in Asia is far from reaching these levels."

China is the main buyer of Australian iron ore, liquefied natural gas and agricultural products.Last year, the total bilateral trade between China and Australia reached 152.9 billion US dollars (about S $ 209.6 billion).