How long can the House of Representatives be suspended?

This is the first time that the House of Representatives has been fired in the history of American history.The rules of the House of Representatives do not have the term of office of the agent, but the House of Representatives should choose new speakers as soon as possible to promote legislative work.

Agent McHenui intends to vote for the Speaker next Wednesday (October 11), but Republican members have not decided to choose the Speaker, and Democratic members support Democratic leader Jeffris.

The Republican Party will meet next Tuesday (10th) to decide the candidate for the speaker, but when the internal differences are intensified and the party's speaker has just been pulled off by his own, it is difficult to unite to support specific candidates.There may be a lot of possible candidates in the US media, and even the former President Trump, who seek to enter the White House again, because non -national members can also serve as speaker.

At present, the Republican Party has 221 seats in the House of Representatives and 212 Democratic Party. Assuming that the entire hospital is attended and voted, the elected speaker must get 217 votes.If the Republican party cannot launch appropriate candidates, vote or delay, and may not be able to "pass".In January of this year, McCarthy's 15 -round voting of 15 rounds of voting was taken for four days.McCarthy has announced that it will no longer run for the Speaker, which is expected to accelerate the speaker's election process.

Government or stop next month?

According to the regulations, the temporary speaker's power is limited, and the main responsibility is to elected the new speaker.Before the new Speaker was generated, the House of Representatives was unlikely to promote legislative work, including bills on federal government budgets.Although the temporary funding bill has recently passed the Temporary Demandment Act for the two parties to win a lot of time, the bill will expire on November 17.

Goldman Sachs analysis believes that the House of Representatives will increase the risk of closing the US federal government next month. McCarthy's successor may face greater pressure, and it is difficult to promote more temporary funding measures or provide additional assistance to Ukraine.

If the new speaker is "difficult to produce", the House of Representatives may give McHenhi's power to the time limit to preside over the debate and voting of the general bill, but this requires the consent of most members.

How does the division of political parties affect the presidential election?

McCarthy's steps down expose the profound differences between the hardliners loyal to Trump and the gentle Republicans. These differences have caused the Republican Party's elections in 2018, 2020 and 2022 to be disappointed.The two previous Republican Speaker Paul Ryan and John Boehner also withdrew from the party due to conflict with the party in the party.

The replacement of the Speaker is the latest signs of confusion within the Republican Party.Trump led by the Republican presidential candidates is currently facing multiple lawsuits, and many of his party rivals tear up in the debate last week.Even Trump, accused of exacerbating the division of the United States, questioned on social media, why the Republican Party was caught in internal fighting instead of imposing the muzzle at the Democratic Party.

Some Republican lawmakers are worried that if the government closes due to internal fighting, the Republican Party's weak advantage in the House of Representatives will be threatened."This difficult situation ... will endanger these seats in California and New York," said2025. "